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Does light side have a better story?


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I have a sith warrior thats light and a marauder that's dark side. No, the story isn't better. It just different lines but really its the same outcome :-/


I was afraid of that, going DS/LS on Knight has some major impact on the story and characters, I was told it was the same for Warrior but so far haven't noticed as much an impact on the Warrior story. I'm still enjoying it and now I get to see DS Jaesa too! :D

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Light Side by definition cannot have better story, it is a path of naive and weak that leads to self destruction or as other people like to refer "sacrifice". Dark Side is grim funny and true in its cruelty, very enjoyable and satisfying except

lack of option to expire life of Quinn


That's your opinion, Light Side does not = weak, some could argue it's much easier to end a life then it is to try and redeem someone. I've played both and I don't feel one story line is better than another, they're different experiences and I've enjoyed them all. I really hope for more chapters in the years to come and look forward to seeing if I've interpreted things BW has hinted at correctly.

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That's your opinion, Light Side does not = weak, some could argue it's much easier to end a life then it is to try and redeem someone. I've played both and I don't feel one story line is better than another, they're different experiences and I've enjoyed them all. I really hope for more chapters in the years to come and look forward to seeing if I've interpreted things BW has hinted at correctly.

to try redeem is a weakness itself, those who would argue are weak themselves. Darkside is much more rational and pragmatic than lightside.

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I've been floating around in the neutral zone with my warrior. I've just been picking the choices that made the most sense for how I wanted to experience the story with my character.


I like doing whatever serves the Empire the best, that isn't always just killing anyone in your way.


I think the warrior story is excellent no matter what path you take with your alignment choices. Just have fun!!

Edited by Elisaveta
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I took the LS route with my SW. And I am glad that I did. As the story played out, I really began to feel like one my favorite fictional characters. The LS SW is a lot like Conan, originally from the Robert E. Howard stories/novels, then later from the comics and movies.


I felt like a total bad-***. Someone who could be a merciless ***** kicker when required, yet someone who was pragmatic enough to recognize that strength did not solely come from cruel brutality. I feel like a real warrior. Not a sociopath.


And being LS gives you a more realistic view of the world then the holier-then-thou LS Jedi route. Plus Vette and Quinn both adored me.


It's a great way to enjoy the SW story.

Edited by Brightblack
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Turn off LS/DS indicators in the options panel and choose whichever option you feel like picking. Picking DS or LS simply because you want to be pure either way, just feels silly. Sometimes a situation will pop up where it seems sensible to spare someone instead of mindlessly slaughtering them. Other times call for some good ol' Can o' Whoopass™ to be opened to make a point.


To me, the best experience to be had in the story is if you play the story by immersing yourself in your character. Put yourself in the shoes of a Sith and pick the choices you want to pick. Don't just pick evil options for the sake of being evil.


Think of it like this; Baras himself doesn't simply kill everything in his path simply because he can. As is often said in both the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor stories, only kill those who have outlived their usefulness. The quest in the starter area where you have to decide the fate of the prisoners has a great example of this.


That's how I play my warrior. Being evil for the sake of being evil, makes you look like a dimwitted badguy from a second-rate hollywood movie. Being good for the sake of being good, is equally as dull only now with 75% less bloodshed.

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