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After running around Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant, and other like planets I started to wonder what all those Neon letters where saying. So I googled and found that indeed those letters were an actual Alphabet called Aurek-Besh (So named after the first two letters of the Galactic Basic Alphabet). I already speak several semetic languages, so this was not a stretch for me to pick up. So after an afternoon of memorization, I pretty much got it down. Now, there is a new fascination for me in the game. Reading all the artwork and signs. Like "Travel FD to the outer rim", (Not sure what FD is, but it's still cool).


Then I ran across a sign that wasn't in AurekBesh, but looked exactly like Hebrew. I wondered if that was intentional. Also there are letters are not in AurekBesh or Hebrew, not sure what that means. But there sure is a diversity of different letters, symbols, etc.


The reason I am creating this tread is that I am hoping a DEV will chime in to give some insight on how the neon art is created, and whether or not actual Hebrew is used on purpose, or was that an accident? also what are those characters or letters that aren't AurekBesh?

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Look at the Aurebesh or Aurekbesh more closely. The signs you saw might have been backwards. I like reading the SW dialect too. I just completed chapter one of my story, and I picked up a mission at the fleet that sent me back to Nar Shaddaa. When I entered the spaceport and was trying to read one of the signs, I noticed it was backwards.
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