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Trying to play my Sentinel = sadface


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Or if you have the spare cash. Get yourself a Razer Naga and a Razer Nostromo. 17 buttons on the mouse and 16 on the nostromo. Also the Nostromo has a directional pad. While not the best pad, take an old PS2 controller and CAREFULLY remove the thumb pad and super glue it. Between the Naga and Nostromo you have 33 binds you can do. Once you get yourself situated you will wonder how you ever lived without them.
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In this thread: Shadow players that think they are good, until they try another class.



Sorry man, the OPness of the Shadow class has been carrying you. Sentinels are extra fun, but most people that really like the Sentinel, actually enjoy the complexity of the class. This class is not for all players. I'd recommend just playing your Shadow.



Expect more of these posts with 1.2, and everyone thinking we got 'buff'ed'.

I recommend getting out of moms house and getting a job.
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General tips for keybinds without having to go and buy gaming mice and keyboards:


Unbind your S key! You don't need to walk backwards ever and any time you press it you are move impairing yourself anyway (that includes reverse strafing) Unbind it and un-nerf yourself. If at any point you need to move slowly use the / key on your number pad this will force your character to walk instead of run, hit it again to resume running.


Unbind Q and E! and replce your A and D binds from turn to strafe. Holding your right mouse button down will turn your character and camera, you dont need to use A and D to do it.


Unbind ~ (left of the 1 key)


You have now freed up Q E S and ~ as well their modified Shift/Alt/Ctrl versions.


When creating bindings for your sentinal or any class for that matter drag everything off your bars and start from scratch. Think about your first standard ability rotation for combat. Place your opener on 5 then place your rotation down in sequence from right to left on 4 3 2 and 1 (Don't start at 1 and move to the right if your even if your more comfortable with that, explained at the bottom).

If you have a second rotation (my sentinal does so i presume you do lol) repeat the same bind with Shift as a modifier. If your rotations repeat any ability/s, bind that ability/s to 3 or 4 as they are the sweet spot for the human hand. Keep your core rotation binds as simple as possible! save situational abilities for other binds such Q E S R F but when doing so try and group abilities with similar effects with each-other (for example i have S bound to Redoubt and Shift-S bound to Saber Ward).


One last tip: Dont bind anything you need to use while moving to Shift-1 or Shift-~. you cant reach them with your pinky if its holding down shift. They're also awkward to use without shift if your moving forward and strafing left at the same time.

OMG! Just shut up and go away! No lifes like you take the fun out of games. The vast majority of people that I have come across in wz all backpeddal and keyboard turn including myself! I've been on top at the end of a wz many times and I couldn't care less if you could kick my *** 1 vs 1. Stop trying to tell people how to play the dam game and just go away.
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Razor Naga is so key for this class. buy one, most worthwhile mmo investment e v e r.


You better be using almost everything (riposte is common to leave out) if you want to be effective in pvp.


Masterstrike is ridiculous strong now. A full ms + mercslash = 7 - 11k damage.


Alt ~ thru 4 and useful and easy to press (thumb on alt).


If you're nimble, ctrl ~ through 3 is also pressable (heel of hand on ctrl)


Unbind tab and use your mousewheel for targetting.

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There's alot of very specific advice given in here, and I could do that too. Almost the same as the others, I have moved my forward to E to get more keys to my left and then build up from there. I played WoW Arena Warriors to a decent level and now I'm enjoying the Sentinel. So I´ll give some general advice.


Firstly, If you can find some way to mark your forward key, so you can feel it when you put your finger on it, that will do alot to prevent things from going haywire in the heat of battle. I found some fat tape and cut a small strip and put it on my E. You don't need to cover your whole key with it, a small strip is enough for your finger to understand. I use the stuff thats sticky on both sides you can use to hang up small pictures with ^^. Sticky goes away pretty soon. Worked wonders for all games.


Then place your hand on the keyboard, where is your thumb can it do something too? I have the break cc on my spacebar, simply because it's so important and when I need it it always comes as a surprise. I have jump and autorun on my mouses 2 sidebuttons btw, I have gotten used to that I jump all the time.


Then for Sentinel, make clear how you start, and also how you end. I personally have spend 2 skillpoints making cauterize also be a snare. DoT and Snare, what is most important for a melee? They are both very important, and applying both with 1 skill is worth it I'm convinced. Especially for a Sentinel with too many skills. With that done I never use the snare skill.


Many say, forceleap and overload saber in the air, and maybe thats best. But you will land with no focus and have to build up with Zealous strike. I forceleap and save the focus for a cauterize. Doing this I have a dot and a snare on the target after first hit, not just a dot. It feels safer I think. I then Zealous strike, and now there's focus for a saberoverload and a merciless slash, right on!


If you must "do something in the air", then pop Rebuke, it's also good enough to qualify for the nerds in space medal, which is almost as interesting as joining the mile high club, but only almost.


Pacify is for when Saberward runs out, again one skill follows the other. Try and make sense of that by positioning them close together. Also for the middle of the fight, you are humming along and start thinking, I am going to put up a cauterize, after that will be a good idea to choke him to death. One skill follow the other.


Talking about ending a fight. What I mean by this is to remember what to do when you are getting your *** kicked. You stealth and run away. Take the talents that make you faster and stealth last longer, it's very good. I also use my 5 second lolladin shield here, to get away with. There's very seldom a spot where this shield will win you the fight, but there's oh so many times it will save you as you run. Popping it when 5 people are ganking you, will increase your life expectancy with 5 seconds, if you aren't gone in 3. So put these 2 skills close together, maybe making shift+ keys your "fight is over I'm leaving" buttons.


Lastly, pop your relics when you see a fight incoming. 5 seconds before doesn't matter. Much better 15 seconds of active relics, than trying to pop them in combat and have a mental meltdown forgetting everything trying to remember everything.


Also, stealthing up behind an enemy in cover, then start masterstriking him, he will waste a moment to realise whats happening and it´s a good chance to land that heavy third blow. Maybe a snaring caut as he is sitting there and them masterstrike followup :D. If he is fast he will knock you away, this is when you say, I tried a prostart against enemy in cover, now I do a regular start.


Anyway, get the hang of it, and you will come to the point where you do the forcechoke to the guy having the huttball in his hand and his nose past the goaline, where you pop your invincishield when you and another guy are 1 on 1 with a millimeter life left. When you 1 vs 2, kill 1, pacify the other, have saberward refresh and fight untill the guy you killed shows up again to see how his friend is doing. All these things come when the rhythm of the class is learned.


So, too long will read again: You think you're going to a fight you pop your relics. How do you start, how do you end. Middle is for freestyling impressing the ladies with those chain-moves. Good luck.

Edited by FelixSkystroller
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