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Best PVE Build?

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Ok so, i saw this pretty nice build one time that could efficiently dps and heal, but i realize now that that is really only possible in pvp if anything, and i can't find the damn thread anyway, so I was just wondering if I could get the best gunnery build opinions for end game pve, as I know from all the threads that there a ton of opinions on builds. The reason i had wanted to go with the hybrid one in the first place is that the guy said in the post that top of gunnery is mostly buggy anyway, and it makes me wonder if it really is worth it to get all that full auto ****. I'll probably end up going mostly gunnery with most of the rest in medic, but I don't think I'm going to invest in making full auto better unless every1 thinks that that would be best for endgame dps. I was just thinking of maybe just taking a premade build from a site like something along the lines of



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