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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvp commendations Explain?


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I need some help i have been collecting commendations now and i have been noticing different types at the vendors.






To name but a few


How does one go about purchasing these? I couldnt find Centurion ones anywhere? i think it was Bm or champion commendations i saw at the vendor.

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Champion, centurion, and Battlemaster Tokens will be removed with 1.2 .


The current way to get these is in Champion and battlemaster bags which you can get from quest rewards. you can also buy the champ bags for 200 WZ coms /200 Merc coms

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Champion, centurion, and Battlemaster Tokens will be removed with 1.2 .


The current way to get these is in Champion and battlemaster bags which you can get from quest rewards. you can also buy the champ bags for 200 WZ coms /200 Merc coms


So after 1.2 will it just be warzone? what will happen with the Bm and champion armor then? also centurion?

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