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RAMDISK for SWTOR (increased performance)


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Hi, I think has helped me reduce those random frame rate drops when in battle. I put the asset that is fx something. Now, what can I do when I experience framedrops at the start of warzones? I think this is because I'm loading how other players look like?


This would probarlly the case, for futher improvments use the character movment assets. It is still more or less trial and error and see what works for you personally depending on both wishes, pc specs, internal ram.

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Don't forget you WILL still experience frame rates drops in unleashed mode. But these will be be lower than in retail mode.


Example if retail was 70fps going down to 10fps, in unleashed you can hope at most to go from 70fps to 40fps more or less.

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Ok, I've tried the following...


Add DiskCacheArena

Add LocalApp

FX and Dynamic


but I'm still experiencing frame drops to 10fps that lasts for 2 secs in warzones specially in voidstar... any tips?


Either add the character animation asset file or the voidstar visual world asset, which I don't know what it is called. You can ofc watch diskaccess with a program or somesort and see what files the client is reading the most during hte first 2-5 seconds of voidstar.

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First off, thanks for this, works great for me, and I'm able to notice performance increases.


Took a quick look through the thread, didn't see any direct answer to this.


swtormain_area_raid_1 <- is this the operations/raid area asset?


As primarily pve player looking to boost whatever I can in that regard, have all the art and animations included already (16GB RAM) so just looking to confirm what else should be included.


Thanks again, and good work!

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First off, thanks for this, works great for me, and I'm able to notice performance increases.


Took a quick look through the thread, didn't see any direct answer to this.


swtormain_area_raid_1 <- is this the operations/raid area asset?


As primarily pve player looking to boost whatever I can in that regard, have all the art and animations included already (16GB RAM) so just looking to confirm what else should be included.


Thanks again, and good work!

Well we didn't test all assets. It's trial and error. Please tell us if you do some tests which asset do what. Regards.

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I am having issues getting the Unleashed to work - I currently have another drive assigned to be my R drive. I have been unable to find a way to change the destination of the RAMDISK.
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I am having issues getting the Unleashed to work - I currently have another drive assigned to be my R drive. I have been unable to find a way to change the destination of the RAMDISK.


Open our tool and go to settings. There you will see 'Ram Drive Letter (Mount Point)' and a box. This box has the letter 'R' by default, just change that letter to change the ramdisk destination.

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Open our tool and go to settings. There you will see 'Ram Drive Letter (Mount Point)' and a box. This box has the letter 'R' by default, just change that letter to change the ramdisk destination.


Thanks for the quick reply - unfortunately that isn't working. That was what I had figured would be the way to change it but no matter what I change the letter to I get the error: "Setting RamDriveLetter=[R] is taken already. Please select another driver letter. "

followed by: "Please choose valid settings do they can be saved."

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Massive thanks for SWTOR Unleashed 3.0 - Load times are nearly nill now, and I have had some minor improvements in FPS across the board (especially with shadows off/low).


I currently have DiskCacheArena, LocalApp, FX and Dynamic ticked (I have an i7 - - 8gb DDR3 - 7690m 1Gb - hdmi to 40" LED) - and I'm getting 70 FPS most places, 45-50 FPS on Fleet (720p - Everything Max except Shadows - grass/trees set low too because I prefer it).


I have recently tried turning down the settings a bit (textures to low, bloom off) and have been able to play most PvE environments with full shadows at about 45=55 FPS, but this drops dramatically to 20 FPS or less indoors (all indoor environments it seems.. even though there are less/no shadows there) and the same approximately on the Fleet. I defiantly would prefer to have shadows on all the time for PvE if possible, even if I could get those slow areas to 30 FPS or so.


I was wondering (so I don't have to keep changing shadows from High to Low all the time) if there was a specific file to tick/include in the batch file with the 4 aforementioned ones that deals specifically with shadow animation - also, would it run ok with any additional files transferred to the Ramdisk if it starts to creep towards 5gb in size, leaving only 3.5gb ram or so of Ram free?


cheers again for the mint effort guys, kudos x 1000!

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This seems very interesting and I would like to give it a shot but i am hoping to have some simple questions answered (which may already have been answered but I am lazy)


1.If I am on Corellia for example and my normal load time is 1 minute what sort of improvment could i see?


2. when SWTOR is patched or upgraded weekly what problems will i run into?


Thanks for any info!

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This seems very interesting and I would like to give it a shot but i am hoping to have some simple questions answered (which may already have been answered but I am lazy)


1.If I am on Corellia for example and my normal load time is 1 minute what sort of improvment could i see?


2. when SWTOR is patched or upgraded weekly what problems will i run into?


Thanks for any info!


1. Depending on what asset files you place on the ramdisk it might increase loading times of planets (thus you need the asset files that contain that worlds data). This method is more intended to reduce the ingame ramdom fps drops and hitching when the game needs data (this means not loading screens).


2. In the current state of the program, if you patch without removing (or launching retail) the launcher might return an error and ask you to repair. This can be ignored and you just close the launcher, start our tool and press 'Launch Retail'. This will remove the setup and the game will be able to patch, after that you can close and launch unleashed again.


Take note that not always the launcher returns an error when patching, only the files that needs to be updated and are currently linked to the ramdisk will return an error. When it does not return an error (even while patching) everything is patched just fine.

Edited by Ocmer_
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I tried H, Q, T, S, Y and M before I gave up - it reports my drive as [R] every time - no matter the input.


You're using v3? I tried it here and don't have the same issue. Can you turn on the log and copy paste it here?

@Exca I just tried his problem and it resulted in the same error. I mounted a ramdrive (not trough our program) and mounted it as R. After confirming our program doesn't accept R (which it doesnt and is good at this point) I tried to change the mountpoint but it kept saying that I selected R and doesn't accept, with every ramdom letter.


@Kosheen thanks for the feedback, now that I was able to reproduce I guess we need to look at it.

Edit; I also found a bypass to try this tool out, open up 'SwtorUnleashed.xml' and change the number 83 (ascii for R) between <RamDriveLetter>number</RamDriveLetter> to for example 84 (ascii for S). Then start our tool and place and save settings.

Edited by Ocmer_
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@Exca I just tried his problem and it resulted in the same error. I mounted a ramdrive (not trough our program) and mounted it as R. After confirming our program doesn't accept R (which it doesnt and is good at this point) I tried to change the mountpoint but it kept saying that I selected R and doesn't accept, with every ramdom letter.


@Kosheen thanks for the feedback, now that I was able to reproduce I guess we need to look at it.

Edit; I also found a bypass to try this tool out, open up 'SwtorUnleashed.xml' and change the number 83 (ascii for R) between <RamDriveLetter>number</RamDriveLetter> to for example 84 (ascii for S). Then start our tool and place and save settings.


oh my - why didn't I think to look at it in terms of ascii numbering. That worked - thanks!

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Does anyone know if any of the batch files optional tick boxes handles the use of Shadows in-game?


Or are Shadows just frakked in SWTOR (I go from 70-80 fps to 18 fps by just changing Shadows from low to high.. )



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I've been using this for a while, and now v3.0 has completely changed the GUI. I've noticed I can't drag the window while having a subwindow open on it. (Like, if I click about, I can't drag from the actual main window, I have to drag from the about window that drops down) Minor bug, but it is a little irritating. I also was wondering if there is a way you can put the artwork as a seperate file, so I could possibly reskin it. (Not terribly fond of all the red lightsabers, I'm sure the artist put a lot of time into it and it's great, just not my preference.) Or a flag that will turn off the artwork and just have the simple windows scheme it used before, without having to go back to v2.9.5? Or perhaps, I could challenge the artists to come up with different themes, Republic Theme, class themes, Sith Empire theme, etc..


Now that I've said that, I used this program for a little over a month, everything seemed a lot smoother with it. I load everything onto the ramdrive. (48 gigs here) Everything loads faster and no more hitching. Just today, I tried playing "retail" (just to see if I could notice any difference the other way around, as I'd used it exclusively for over a month) and I DEFINITELY NOTICE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. The game hitches all the time, combat animations don't play fully, some of the combat animations for my party members don't play at all. So, this is definitely improving the game performance a lot. To me, the difference is like watching a high definition movie on a nice 1920x1080 television, then watching the same thing on an old 4:3 television. I've experienced the high definition, I can't go back to the 4:3. :p


-Jen :eek:

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Does anyone know if any of the batch files optional tick boxes handles the use of Shadows in-game?


Or are Shadows just frakked in SWTOR (I go from 70-80 fps to 18 fps by just changing Shadows from low to high.. )



I'm pretty sure you can't do a thing about the shadows with SwtorUnleashed unfortunately.

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