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Kolto residue after 1.2?


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Anyone gonna spec into kolto residue after 1.2? I dabble with having it out of my spec as of now and dont really see any reason using two points for a meager 3% higher healing for 15 sec after you cast a koltobomb on a target.


Id rather spend those points on the +1% endurance/+3% healing taken, and +3% critbonus on heals talents.

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There are so many underwhealming talents now that to get to the 31 point ability we will have to take a great deal of the garbage. If they are going to gut regen, survivability, healing output, and efficiency they should have at least rebalanced the CM talent tree and provided more utility.


If we don't take this skill we will be down 10% healing output from where we are at now when SSC is active...that is a pretty big hit. 1.2 is about taking skills that make us less worse rather than taking skills that make us better. Seen raid guilds in general chat advertising for sage healers because they are replacing their CMs before 1.2.

Edited by Aaoogaa
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