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Looking for Sentinel Advice for Levels 12 - 20


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Hello all,


I just started a new Jedi Sentinel that is currently level 12. I was looking for your advice to help me make levels 12-20 the most fun they could be.


I know that I could simply power through these early levels, but I want PVP to be as fun as it can be.


1. What should be general abilities rotation for these levels (PVE and PVP) and how do they change as I progress from level 12 to level 20?


2. What gear should I be trying to get at these early levels? Are there any Heroic Quests of Flashpoints that I should be running to get this gear?


3. What talents should I be choosing at these early levels? I will respec when I hit level 20, so I am looking for the talents that will give me the biggest advantage for these early levels.


4. Do you have any PVP tips at this level? At level 12 right now, I am finding PVP much more difficult than it was with my Commando (level 50). I die so much more often because I have to be in someone's face in order to fight.


Thanks for your help,


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Hello all,


I just started a new Jedi Sentinel that is currently level 12. I was looking for your advice to help me make levels 12-20 the most fun they could be.


I know that I could simply power through these early levels, but I want PVP to be as fun as it can be.


1. What should be general abilities rotation for these levels (PVE and PVP) and how do they change as I progress from level 12 to level 20?


2. What gear should I be trying to get at these early levels? Are there any Heroic Quests of Flashpoints that I should be running to get this gear?


3. What talents should I be choosing at these early levels? I will respec when I hit level 20, so I am looking for the talents that will give me the biggest advantage for these early levels.


4. Do you have any PVP tips at this level? At level 12 right now, I am finding PVP much more difficult than it was with my Commando (level 50). I die so much more often because I have to be in someone's face in order to fight.


Thanks for your help,




1. See previous post on Zen and Slash and the recommendations. I would only add that this class is not a 2 or 3 button class. Rotations are situational so be ready to change and go through different progressions. As you gain new abilities, you have to use them as a Sent.


2. It's all about the gear. So from a PVE perspective, you should run Esseles and Hammer Station multiple times. I'm not sure if you are ready for Athiss, but I would consider it if you can get higher levs to run it with you. Gear, gear, gear. As a Sent you need to strive to be at level, and with as much purple and orange as you can find or afford.


3. Previous post covers the skills. Again, as you get new skills, use them. You will need them.


4. Can't answer PVP. I'm strictly a PVE player.


I hope this helps. :)

Edited by Rafaman
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