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Hybrid 23/18/0 Spec Thoughts


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Hey everyone,


So I've been getting really bored with my Mercenary and wanted to try out something different. I have been full Arsenal before (good damage, not good in PvP). Ive been Bodyguard, but I only have a Centurian set for this. And I am currently Pyro spec'd, but I just cant quite figure out what I really like for PvP.


I have been thinking about running the following 23/18/0 spec that looks like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfMkRzcbzZMIkbR0d.1


It seems like it would be fun for Warzones because I mostly que solo and would provide good survivability with the healing bonuses, Kolto Shell and Kolto Missle. The best part would be to have Power Shield for 100% interupt immunity and no pushback on heals or Tracer Missles :cool:


But at the same time I would still be able to cast Tracer Missle, Unload, Explosive Dart and Rail Shot and do some decent dps.


I tried to build the spec around using High Velocity Cylindar instead of Combat Support. I did this because I like the heat venting from HV and the 30% armor penetration. The benefits of using Supercharged Gas or the 3% healing/damage buff at 30 stacks just don't seem worth it.


For gear, I would be wearing all Champion Eliminator except for 2 piece (boot/gloves) of the medic set to buff my energy sheild even more :D


Anyone have thoughts on this spec? Has anyone played it before to give me some feedback on its performance in warzones?

Edited by Barberiann
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I used this spec for a while and liked it. Self survivability is huge, but heat is an issue. Dont use unload; without the arsenal talents its pretty bad. Kolto shell failed to impress me, as did reactive armor and proactive medicine, their effects are just too weak. Edited by voelln
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I used this spec for a while and liked it. Self survivability is huge, but heat is an issue. Dont use unload; without the arsenal talents its pretty bad. Kolto shell failed to impress me, as did reactive armor and proactive medicine, their effects are just too weak.


Agreed. Those three points would be better spent in Jet Escape and Tracer Lock. I'd also take out the two points in Empowered Scans. You're not going to be using CGC, so you'd probably get more bang-for-your buck if you put those points into Custom Enviro Suit or even Protective Field.

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