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Improved companion AI plz


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According to BW, companions are supposed to be more than "pets", and for the most part, they are.. (there are a few I cannot stand, but overall, they are part of my story)

However, they could use some improvement, especially when it comes dealing with AoE.

Some companions break CC with AoE attacks, big no-no!

Also, companions do not move out of incoming AoE, they just stand there and take it!

If it's a melee companion, have it move out AoE and attack the same mob from the other side.. if it's a ranged companion, just have it move a few feet left or right..

A companion's inability to recognize incoming AoE and then just stand in it can pretty much cause you to die. Especially if it's your healing companion who suddenly starts taking ridiculous damage, and because of that, is no longer healing you..

Please BW, make our guys a little smarter!

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I don't know, not moving out of AOE sounds like your average non-healer MMO player :)


Joking aside, if you want them to move out of it, click passive and they will. Annoying that you have to micro-manage, but oh well.


Also, if you don't want them to break CC, turn off their AOE abilities perhaps?

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Does that actually work now? :)

I had to turn off Corso's amazing "harpoon attack" every time I zoned, mounted/dismounted, talked to a vendor, blinked etc.. till I just stopped using him altogether. That was like over a month ago though, so maybe I'll see if turned-off skills actually stay turned off now.

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Does that actually work now? :)

I had to turn off Corso's amazing "harpoon attack" every time I zoned, mounted/dismounted, talked to a vendor, blinked etc.. till I just stopped using him altogether. That was like over a month ago though, so maybe I'll see if turned-off skills actually stay turned off now.


I haven't had a problem with any companion breaking cc (except when I change their toggles and forget to set them back) and I use it all the time.


I'm actually quite impressed with how my companion will carefully avoid a cc mob until I attack it. I wish most players had AI that good.

Edited by G-Girl
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