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Give reactive shield knockback/stunimmunity


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Yes, being uninterruptable for 12 seconds every 2 minutes is completely AWESOME.


However.... As the metagame evolves I find this not really being the case. People learn to play the game, good players adapt and suddenly reactive shield is useless.


When Im not using reactive shield people will just spaminterrupt all my *****. Ive tried jukecasting, but finding its not really viable, given the sheer amounts of interrupts given to other classes. Good players will always interrupt late in the casttimer to maximise their DpS, and if you jukecast and they DONT interrupt, you will just completely shaft yourself.


Ok, now I pop my reactive shield, supposedly making me immune to interrupt. What will happen against good players is.. I try to cast.. deng, stunned for 4 seconds. I try to cast when it wears off, deng stunned again, against vanguards and *****s. Alternatively, against classes with only one stun, boom, knockbacked, aka interrupted times and times again even when youre "immune" to interrupts.


I mean, all i want to do is get to cast at least one freakkin spell before I drop, but I guess our class is simply not meant to.


We already get shafted in every way possible with 1.2, on a class that is already pretty gimped for competetive play due to all the glaring weaknesses.


AT LEAST implement stun/knockback/pull immunity to reactive shield, so we at least got those 12 meager seconds every 2 minutes when we can shine and build some meager confidence.


Cause commando/merc in its current shape, getting completely gimped in the upcoming patch is simply horrendous dev work and a sub cancelation reason in itself imo.

Edited by Niconogood
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  • 2 weeks later...
Not a bad idea, though they'd probably have to raise the proc CD of the Energy Rebounder talent in the Pyro tree to something like once/4.5 or 6 seconds to compensate for the increased survivability. It would also give BW a reason to remove the Power Shield talent from the Bodyguard tree and replace it with something to make up for their lost healing capabity in 1.2, like a 1-2 point talent from SCG that could grant us extra stacks of Combat Support when using Rapid Shots or Rapid Scan. I approve, sir.
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