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No one join Swiftsure look for another server.


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I have a question. Might have been answered, but I'll ask anyways. WHY have Swift and Harbinger been flooded by the EU and AU players? Whats wrong with the servers specifically FOR the EU and AU players?


AU don't have a specif server.. we daisy chained AU guilds together and thats the server we got.. we Aus players like to stick together.

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I have a question. Might have been answered, but I'll ask anyways. WHY have Swift and Harbinger been flooded by the EU and AU players? Whats wrong with the servers specifically FOR the EU and AU players?


There are no AU servers. The server is flooded with what we call Oceanic players, basically people in the Asia Pacific area of the world. With no official Oceanic servers, all pre-order players go together and agreed on an Oceanic server.


Thus one section of the world flooded one server, thus huge queues.

Edited by Juiceness
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Thanks for answering that! Kind of silly they'd all pick the same 2 servers. Given the number of them, you'd think they'd have the forethought to spread out a bit.


Some people sort have done that. Some Aussie communitys like Over clockers Australia have called "Wound in the force" their Aussie server.

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Headed there myself , sounds like a cool place ; )


I went with the most heavily populated server when I first log in. I know from experience not to go with the recommend servers. Between I went with Harbinger :D.

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You'd think EA and Bioware would learn from every single other popular MMO since Everquest to have oceanic labelled servers in there at launch, even if we cant order through origin [but can everywhere else].


And with this, their failure is compl... oh... wait... yet *another* lesson they failed to learn. ::sigh:: This list is growing way too long...

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guys unfair that you guys hogging the 2 servers seriously grow up and share dont be selfish and labling your self and your guild a bad name for server hogging if u dont like the queues pack up and move to another server that simple relevel your class/guild and play agian that simple and more people on new servers less the queues for the habringer/swift


Also f.k the daisy chain glad im not part of it

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