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Jugga question !! :)


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Hey all still pretty new to the game came from 7 years of WoW (ughh dnt get me started lol) a big pvper pretty much all i do at max lvl while i lvl i like instances thou (fp) but ok on to the question i already started and made a sin i watched alot of vids before i got the game and thought they looked cool end up getting one to 20 and im pretty iffy about them (on and off) with weather i wanna lvl one or not, so i made a mara and kinda the same way their good and all but utility wise i seen juggs and sins ate pretty much winner so onto the question do you guys think rerolling a jugg from sin or mara is worth it? Im big on dps for wow i played an arms war for pvp and a rogue war was my main thats the play style i like so can anyone gimme some insight on the class and if anyone thinks its worth rerolling the rage spec kinda looks pretty cool even thou mara has it to, to have some survivability seems cool with it
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believe it or not, a marauder has better survivability in rage spec. As a dps juggernaut you are actually quite squishy especially in pvp.


If you really wanted to try it, I would recommend going vengeance, but the problem with that is you don't really get many of the good vengeance talents until very late in the tree.


Unless you plan on tanking, I would suggest to just play the marauder. They can deal more damage and have better survivability

Edited by AllanGand
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I'm not max level yet, but from my experiences Juggernaut is fun. It could definitely use a few tweaks to put in in line with marauder viability (or just nerf marauders :p) such as the fact that Marauders can survive for longer due to heal from dot crits, or their more useful defensive CD's...


However, Juggernaut can have some very good survivability and utility with cooldowns up. Not to mention you get 4 second immunity from any disables after charging (hilarious huttball runs), utility through taunts, force push, AoE scream slow, and more.


Honestly, play what you want. Whatever seems most fun to you will be useful in some way unless it's an AP specced bounty hunter lol. I play Juggernaut and I'm more than content - any issues I feel the class has right now are most likely going to be fixed at some point, they're already doing some of that for 1.2, and I do perfectly fine in WZ's when it comes various things. In WZ's I regularly beat all players for damage done and protection points. On top of that I make a good meat shield by charging into the enemy team and popping CD's when they begin to focus me - even when I die, I know we came out on top.

Edited by rweiowjerwei
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