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Halp! Shanks! Shanks everywhere!


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I play a Marauder in champ gear with BM sabers/implants/earpiece/relic on Lord Adraas, I'm ok, not great, not terrible, just ok. I find I can reliably defeat almost every class except well-played gunslingers, and even the worst shadow tank.


And honestly, for the life of me, I can't figure out why.


I have a friend who's specced 31/0/10 that I duel quite often, currently tied at 7-7 wins for both of us. Normally I'd consider that good, except she's in mostly centurion armor with a few PvE blues.


I find whenever I cross paths with a shadow tank, they'll pop their defensive CDs, they'll already have their increased shield chance up, and sometimes they'll pop deflection (or w/e it's called.) With all this combined, half the time they simply parry my most damaging attacks (annhilate, ravage) or will totally negate my self-healing and DoT damage by parrying those. Sometimes it's both, and I end up chipping off 10% of their health, leaving them free to bash my face in until the CDs are up to try again.


On the off chance that I -do- get those attacks in, their shield mitigation affects my primary damage dealing abilities, leading to crits with Annhilate around 1500-2000, instead of my usual 3.5k+


And on the even more unlikely chance I get them to around 50%, they'll start using their channeled ability to heal, I do what I can to interrupt it (choke, aoe mez, etc) but often times they time bought is not enough, most of the good ones will medpac and wait until they can do it again to simply heal up the damage that's been done, all the while critting me for upwards of 1k per tick.


What's worse, they're getting more and more creative on my server. In one warzone, they structured a premade as such : 3 shadow tanks, 1 heal sage. They had one person guard the sage, then two of the shanks guarded eachother, leaving only one unguarded. This made it so the only way to actually kill the chain was to attack the one unguarded shadow tank, who could be off-healed by the sage due to the 50% reduction across the board.



So, I'm really at a loss. I've tried to get my friend to explain the mechanics of the class, but I don't really understand how to defeat it : its strength is in its simplicity. I know exactly how it ticks, but because of the way it works, I can't counter it effectively.






(P.S : Please leave out the 'LRN2PLAY' posts and other assorted crap, the whole point of the damn thread is to learn how to beat this class effectively instead of flailing about like a baddie. I understand Marauders are a very powerful class in capable hands, and I do reasonably well with it, I just want to figure out if there's a good method of defeating shadow tanks/assassin tanks.)

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Coming from valor 51 Assassin with a level 40 Mara:


If Deflection is up you should Camo out and just avoid damage as best you can. Most of the PvP Tankasins are in DPS gear, some don't even use shields, so Absorption shouldn't be an issue. And if they're absorbing a ton of your Anni damage, that should mean they're not putting out as much damage themselves out of their tanking gear.


You also have other CCs in Intimidating Roar and Force Choke that can be used to burn her Deflection duration and interrupt the Force Lightning. If those are all down Saber Ward can certainly lessen the damage. I'm not sure if Force Charge works as interrupt against Force Lightning.

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Coming from valor 51 Assassin with a level 40 Mara:


If Deflection is up you should Camo out and just avoid damage as best you can. Most of the PvP Tankasins are in DPS gear, some don't even use shields, so Absorption shouldn't be an issue. And if they're absorbing a ton of your Anni damage, that should mean they're not putting out as much damage themselves out of their tanking gear.


You also have other CCs in Intimidating Roar and Force Choke that can be used to burn her Deflection duration and interrupt the Force Lightning. If those are all down Saber Ward can certainly lessen the damage. I'm not sure if Force Charge works as interrupt against Force Lightning.


It does not interrupt force lightning / telekenetic throw when they have 3 charges of harnessed shadows.


My suggestion would be to focus on their cooldowns and change your strat accordingly.


Always start by slowing them w/ your leg slash move and inflicting trauma so their self heals do less. During Force shroud / resilience I love to use ravage.


During deflection, start by going invis like the above poster mentioned, then use force smash and force scream.


Also remember to start the fight w/ cloak of pain. This spec is useless if it's not attacking you so it will be up for the whole 30 seconds.

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Leave...Inside a WZ Force Charge away or Force Camo away but come right back after that very same person when his CD's are down.


1v1 is meaningless but I understand what you are saying and BW really needs to look at Sin tanks in DPS gear.


On a side note I am amazed that Marauder forums have not been talking about what an Operative -concealment- does to a Marauder...You literally have no chance if they catch you alone.


Then again the chances of actually seeing the least played AC/Build is so low lol

Edited by Cempa
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It does not interrupt force lightning / telekenetic throw when they have 3 charges of harnessed shadows.


My suggestion would be to focus on their cooldowns and change your strat accordingly.


Always start by slowing them w/ your leg slash move and inflicting trauma so their self heals do less. During Force shroud / resilience I love to use ravage.


During deflection, start by going invis like the above poster mentioned, then use force smash and force scream.


Also remember to start the fight w/ cloak of pain. This spec is useless if it's not attacking you so it will be up for the whole 30 seconds.

You can't interrupt with Force Kick once they have 3 stacks, but u can still interrupt with other skills.

So Choke, Awe or Camo to avoid ticks will still help a lot.

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