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Worried I made the wrong choice....


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Hi all,


I have just rolled a Bounty Hunter Alt (Merc), and I am loving it so far. However the one thing that worries me at the moment is a the lack of a regular interupt. I like a class that solo's well, and love all their abilities and fighting style, but at level 13 I am having trouble with most Elites, due to the lack of interupts.


On all my other toons I have a 8 or 12 second interupt which helps with those nasty long cast abilities. Anyway my question is this......


Will this become less important and noticable as I get more powerful, better gear etc, or am I allways gonna have trouble due to my lack of interupt.


I did play the mirror class to lvl 27 but was not keen on their animations, but I must say i did not remember having problems soloing with her. Mind you that was when I first started playing the game, and I was not aware how important interupts were, being a noobie at the time.


Anyway thoughts welcome



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THe mercenary never does get an interupt. I will say that the talents, esp in the Arsenal tree, will somewhat help with this because it lowers the cool down on jet boost which you can use to interupt. And also provides rocket punch with a short 4/5m knockback that can be used to interupt mobs.


If you would feel more comfortable with having an interupt, I'd turn around right now and just roll PowerTech (as you are only lvl 13).


It's really all about what play style you prefer, melee or ranged dps.


Personally, I went Mercenary and have been regretting every single second of it post-50...

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Its annoying that many of our non-PT only interrupt moves only work on normal mobs, which is where you don't often need interrupts lol


Nonetheless, here is a complete comparison of all Bounty Hunter CC. You will find your choices very limited to pretty much Electro Dart in dealing with interrupting champion and greater mobs in solo pve. To somewhat counter this, the merc has a great and unique asset in the 60s mez, which while it doesn't help in 1v1 can allow you to enter a 1v1 with a champ at much more health than if you didn't use it to kill off the normal mobs first, or greatly assist with difficult end game pve encounters.


Bounty Hunter Shared CC Abilities (Bolded non-normal interrupts)

Electro Dart (12) – Stun - This one WILL work on non-normals to interrupt a cast timer

Death From Above (10) - Knockdown / AOE - more useful employed as damage, only interrupts normals

Explosive Dart (5) - Knockback / AOE - interrupts normals only with stun effect then KB

Unload (3) – Stun - Useful to interrupt normals from range

Missile Blast (1) – Knockdown - useful to interrupt normals from range (hardly ever needed)


Merc CC Abilities (Bolded non-normal interrupts)

Concussion Missile (22) – Disorientation - This is your trade off for our Quell (melee interrupt), instead of an interrupt you get a 60(?)s mez that works on non-normals. Very useful for splitting groups with an elite to kill all the normals before you start fighting the elite. Not useful as an interrupt for non-normals because it heals them, make sure to use before dpsing desired target

Thermal Detonator (talent) – Knockback - interrupts normals with stun effect then KB

Sweeping Blasters (12) - Knockback / AOE - Sometimes interrupts normals

Fusion Missile (18) - Disorientation / AOE - Interrupts normals

Jet Boost (14) - Snare / Knockback / AOE - Interrupts normals


Powertech CC Abilities (Bolded non-normal interrupts)

Carbonize (46) – Stun / AOE - Interrupts non-normals in an AOE

Grapple (22) - Interrupts all non-immune targets at range only

Quell (18) - Interrupts all non-immune targets at melee only

Jet Charge (talent for tank PTs) - Immobilizer / Interrupt - Great, quick, ranged interrupt for almost all targets, need to be out of melee tho







Tanks generally have much better CC/interrupts than DPS in MMOs

Melee generally have more interrupts than ranged in MMOs


Melee DPS PT has 4 effective interrupts against non-normals,

Tank PT has 5 effective interrupts against non-normals

Ranged Merc has 1 effective interrupt against non-normals, and 1 mez

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Hi again.....


Firstly, thanks for the hard work and great info given to me, it is much appreciated. I was aware of the 60 sec crowd control on the merc, and that was a big selling point tbh over the powertech, and I realize as you mention, a trade off really for the powertech interupt.


I guess i am just surprised how much I miss the interupt, but I am hoping that maybe on single Elites, as I get better gear, and also my basic heals, that maybe I could heal thru the damage to my tank pet if needs be. In other words if i cant stop the damage done to my tank companion, maybe I can heal it back or dps the mob down quicker. Time will tell...


I guess to sum it up.... I really only solo, and am mainly worried about normal story line bosses or the occasional world elite mobs (not Champions). But, bottom line, can someone confirm that the lack of interupt will not impact this progression too much, because playstyle wise I love my little merc!:D


P.s I guess after reading so many times on these forums, how certain mobs can only be beaten by using your interupts correctly, I perhaps am worrying that I will struggle without one...:eek:

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@maylen If you are enjoying the mercenary class, you will be fine through the normal story mode without an interupt. You will have plenty of dps and heals to survive.


I would make 2 recomendations:

1) Spec arsenal for leveling, unless you wanna be the heal spec and let companions do most dps

2) Use Mako, the healer, as your companion 100% of the time. Unless you go healer again, then maybe Skadge or Torian

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Mercs are one of the best, if not the best, PvE DPS class. Very hard to die in Ops, and high sustained damage. The lack of an interrupt isn't a big deal during Ops.


In PvP, the lack of an interrupt hurts but its really not so bad. You only need the interrupt vs Healers. But you can still give them a headache with Stun Dark / Rocket Punch / Jet Boost / Power Surge + Concussion Missile.


And since I mentioned PS+Concussion....thats a handy combo to use in 1 on 1. If you are losing and start to get low on health, just power surge + concussion and heal yourself up real quick. If they break that mez, just use electro dart and continue to heal. Or do electro dart first if you are certain the have their stun breaker up.

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Thanks again all.... your replies have been very helpful. I am enjoying the class very much, and I am glad to hear all the posotive comments. I think i am gonna have to get my little Merc to lvl 50 after all!


I dont PvP or do Operations, so i think i am gonna be fine based on all your comments



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