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Give us some real insentive to group up.


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Right now, the only redeeming factor of this game is the Class Quest storyline. It gives you a good leveling experience. For soloing it.


That asides, I have no feeling whatsoever in grouping with other people aside my friends. I'm not even considering getting into a guild to beat the harder content.


I don't know. Grouping just doesn't appeal to me right now. It's not a matter of being too hard. I can play just fine. I suppose that I just don't have the time to get a group together when there's barely no one online, or when no one is interesting in grouping with me or doing the same flashpoint or heroic as me.


So yeah. We need better group finder gimmicks.


Autogrouping... Flashpoint Finder... Operation Finder... Whatever it is. It would help a lot.

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If you don't feel like doing heroics or flashpoints, don't do them. No one's making you. Adding a LFG tool isn't going to make them any better.


Oh wait, you meant you are too lazy to be be bothered to make an effort to get a group together and you won't do it unless it's handed to you on a plate.

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Biggest problem with grouping is the linear theme park ride.. TOO many characters are on different parts of the ride, this poses to be a hurdle for players to jump over.. Do I wait for you to catch up? or do I have to go back and help others, while my quest line waits... This was and is a HUGE flaw in the current MMO design.. It does NOT promote grouping, but discourages it..


As I have preached about for years, there needs to be an alternative to leveling equal to that of the solo quest train.. I say BRING back some of the old EQ1 camping days.. Allow people to group and EARN exp and rewards.. I miss the days of hanging out with a group of strangers I never met before in EQ1, earning exp, shooting the jaw and having a great time.. In my opinion I think the elite mobs are the right pace of combat.. HOWEVER, I would like to see some "cooldowns" increased so that we get off this rapid fire killing spree..

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Biggest problem with grouping is the linear theme park ride.. TOO many characters are on different parts of the ride, this poses to be a hurdle for players to jump over.. Do I wait for you to catch up? or do I have to go back and help others, while my quest line waits... This was and is a HUGE flaw in the current MMO design.. It does NOT promote grouping, but discourages it..


As I have preached about for years, there needs to be an alternative to leveling equal to that of the solo quest train.. I say BRING back some of the old EQ1 camping days.. Allow people to group and EARN exp and rewards.. I miss the days of hanging out with a group of strangers I never met before in EQ1, earning exp, shooting the jaw and having a great time.. In my opinion I think the elite mobs are the right pace of combat.. HOWEVER, I would like to see some "cooldowns" increased so that we get off this rapid fire killing spree..


With guildies, I always play catch up with them. I may not get social points for it, but that one hour of catch up lets them play with me for the next 4+ hours (order pizza!), which is worth it. We tackle solo quests, heroics, and class quests. If I play with the shadow and I am the sage, yes, we do class quests twice. I haven't quested like this with 3 or 4 players, so I don't know how well it works with 3+.


I can see the importance of a better LFG tool, one that works across the entire server.

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