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Crippling Slash and Force Leap


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Does anyone have issues trying to land crippling slash? I seem to from time to time have problems landing it and getting my target snared. I really have to focus and even then I have to use it twice in a row before it lands. It just seems other classes can land their snares much easier than a marauder.


Is Force Leap supposed to stun a person or just interrupt. I can leap someone running away and they can keep running. They are not at full resolve but yet it as though I did not even hit them.


I am not sure if it is game lag or what but I just notice it a lot in PvP. I am 70 valor at the moment so I have done a lot of warzones and I just notice these things happening.

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Does anyone have issues trying to land crippling slash? I seem to from time to time have problems landing it and getting my target snared. I really have to focus and even then I have to use it twice in a row before it lands. It just seems other classes can land their snares much easier than a marauder.


Is Force Leap supposed to stun a person or just interrupt. I can leap someone running away and they can keep running. They are not at full resolve but yet it as though I did not even hit them.


I am not sure if it is game lag or what but I just notice it a lot in PvP. I am 70 valor at the moment so I have done a lot of warzones and I just notice these things happening.


Crippling is only tricky to apply if someone else is circle-dancing or has a movement speed buff and a head start. It's a melee attack and can miss, so if you're only sitting on 90% Acc in PVP gear and expect to snare tanks first try every time, well... good luck with that.


Force Charge is an interrupt and a root (short root). The root does not apply if the Charge misses (which can happen).

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