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Awesome acrobatics, but im to busy staring at my ability bars.


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The class has just awesome acrobatics while hes slicing away at things, but they eye candy is no good to me as I am always staring at my ability bar pushing buttons.


There are just a ton of buttons to push with this class but is it possible that some of them could be made as a proc instead of a button push?


For example: Deadly saber's cool down is 12 seconds, that means I to constantly keep watch for when its up, every 12 seconds, and push the button. Cant this be made where I can talent into it as a proc that cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds?

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I have a similar problem, but mostly because I'm always looking for the proc that makes Force Scream an automatic crit. I'd like to see them add some of those buffs as a popup in the middle of the sceen, rather than as a tiny icon above the character bar (an icon that will appear in a random position depending on other buffs).


WoW had a couple skills for DK, Hunters, and Shaman (and probably other classes as well, but those were the three I played) that would pop up on the screen. I remember for shaman you'd get a notification when the MW proc had fully stacked. I think something like that would make it easier to appreciate the fight acrobatics.



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I rarely wait on a cd or stare at bars, maybe a passing glance to force charge or force choke to see where they're at.. beside getting a feel for your cds, just spam your rage building attack inbetween moves if your CDs aren't ready. I'm always spamming rage builder on my left mouse button while pressing move keys with my left hand. If the moves CDed, it goes off, if not, I regular attack them then it goes off. I rarely regular attack though, with so many attacks to choose from I seem to always have something available.


If its a move you use alot, hotkey it.


dont forget your side mouse alternate hotkeys like shift+mouse1, ctrl+mouse1, shift+mouse2, ctrl+mouse2...


I tend to put instant cast abilites on hotkeys to use them while my left hands on WASD, and put abilities like channels that I have to stand still for on the numbers/letters near WASD since I wont be running when I do them anyway

Edited by Prolyfic
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The class has just awesome acrobatics while hes slicing away at things, but they eye candy is no good to me as I am always staring at my ability bar pushing buttons.


There are just a ton of buttons to push with this class but is it possible that some of them could be made as a proc instead of a button push?


For example: Deadly saber's cool down is 12 seconds, that means I to constantly keep watch for when its up, every 12 seconds, and push the button. Cant this be made where I can talent into it as a proc that cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds?


I was like you at first but after playing a lot (and I mean a lot) of warzones, I'm starting to have the cooldown times memorized. Meaning I can do my rotations and move around without focusing on the bars.


Mapping all your abilities on the keyboard is also an absolute must for this class so you can use the mouse to turn.

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Switch your UI to display numbers instead of the terrible flashy greyed out cooldown timer disaster they first came out with.


Place your most used cooldowns at the center of your quickbars and hot key appropriately.


Then you should easily be able to tell in your peripheral vision when cooldowns are up without having to stare at your bars. Or/And easily glance to see how many seconds it will be before your longer ones are up again.


Play enough warzones with this setup and it'll come naturally to you.

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