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Jedi Knight's Ability Visuals!


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Just a quick Post about jedi sentinals/guard Visual effects for their skills. Overall I love my sentinel, Rolled it was happy with the way it works. Although I'm starting to get annoyed with the bland skills. I mean blade storm?! I don't call that a storm at all, More like blade brease lol.


Force kick, now that's what you call an animation. also master strike is excellent. Just lacking on the speed, feels like I went from jedi to Snail.


Heres a few Ideas, as descriptive as I can get with text about How I would like some skills to look. lemmie know what you think! :)


Force sweep - a very very bland skill indeed, one of my most used, So I would love if it looked good. My Idea, The sentinel throws his sabers About 5 meters from his sides While jumping into the air, sabers spinning, controlled in mid air He spins around once, His sabers spin around him as he does.


Cyclone slash, Another very bland skill. Simply change it so the jedi Jumps forwards, spins twice and then slashes, small change but delightful.


Leg slash - The jedi could do a sommersault. Slashing the oponents legs when He's upside down.


Strikes animation should be replaced with slash, Since slash has the animation of a very basic attack.

Then slash should be modified so The jedi turns so he is side on to his opponent then lifts up his arms, He brings his left one Slashing down, Then his right. Spinning once he then brings them both crashing down.


And finally blade storm, The jedi should spin around once bringing his saber over his head. Then Swinging it from there all the way forwards and back up. Creating a storm effect Gushing wind, the force and random items to his oponent.

Edited by Nightmare_within
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I agree with you on the part that some abilities look a bitt... dull, to say at least

And you're suggesting some nice visuals


But some of the animations take quite some time as it is, so with the changes you're suggesting it would make the animations quite a bit longer, hence you'll feel more like a snail even when not using master strike.


Other than that; sabers throwing to the side during force sweep? I don't see the point

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Not really. Since all of these skills will be under the length of The global cool down, Reducing the amount of idle time my character does. making skills look like they actually chain together!


And well. Lightsabers spinning around while hovering in mid air, Kinda like a static saber dual saber throw. Simple because it looks cool and using the force to control your sabers is a jedi thing ey.

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Not really. Since all of these skills will be under the length of The global cool down, Reducing the amount of idle time my character does. making skills look like they actually chain together!


And well. Lightsabers spinning around while hovering in mid air, Kinda like a static saber dual saber throw. Simple because it looks cool and using the force to control your sabers is a jedi thing ey.


Yeah, But thats what "saber throw" and "dispatch" are For :)

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Yeah, But thats what "saber throw" and "dispatch" are For :)


And It'll hurt to change it how? I'm just interested in changing things so this is more a visually Exciting game, Face it. 90% of free to play games nowadays have better combat Than swtor and other ptp games.

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And It'll hurt to change it how? I'm just interested in changing things so this is more a visually Exciting game, Face it. 90% of free to play games nowadays have better combat Than swtor and other ptp games.


Still I'd take dull, but working combat over cool looking crappy combat any day.


Having said that, some of those animations will look really forced if their duration is only the length of global cd.

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