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Focus spec: Sweep back to 12 sec cd from 9 sec


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I never thought I'd say this, but, I'm going back to Warhammer Online! gg all.


This was the only class and only pvp spec keeping me in the game. I liked the big crits, which is the only point here. waiting 2 whole global cooldowns longer every time is going to turn this gimmick spec into kind of a waiting around taunter. Not interested.

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You do realize they also gutted the sweep damage multiplier from an overall mid 40ish percent buff to a high 20ish percent buff max right... ON TOP of the 3 second cooldown increase.


Ya BW just couldn't have us doing half the dps of councelors and troopers, wai op... MEGA NERF TOTALLY NECESSARY cause all everyone ever cried about was Guardians 1 shotting everyone AmIRite AmIRite...


o well, gotta say, I saw this coming... someone on the BW staff has a serious hatred for Guardians there's no other explination... possibly the dev in charge of G balance has rampant dps hallucinations or something.


Anyway you look at it, prepair for the nerf bat it is pointy and has our name on it.

Edited by VoidJustice
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