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AP vs expertise Adrenal PVP


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His tutorial is pretty good, and although his wz adrenal vs rakata power adrenal test was only 1 hit the fact that the damages were similar (with wz being better in the video) make me wonder. Obviously my previous thoughts were wrong, but which one is better on average is another story.





He should have done multiple attacks to get a clear. That could have been the "best" WZ hit and the worst Rakata hit. That is why I think healing is a better gauge b/c you are only limited to the activation time and in the 15/25 sec you can get 7-10 heals off before the clock runs off. and use your high and low numbers as a range.




But on the video, given the same appoximate dice roll on damage we are still talking 240HP difference. We also don't know what the attack rating on his toon is either, so it is hard to see what math is behind his numbers. Another is his character selection, I stated that @ higher attack rating the WZ one does outpace it, but unless you have DR above ~800 the Rakata is more powerful.


I don't have a video, but I think I will make one and show all the stats I have been talking about. I feel that is minor compared to the reusability of the Rakata, unless you have all your equipment and don't need WZ medpaks.

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He should have done multiple attacks to get a clear. That could have been the "best" WZ hit and the worst Rakata hit. That is why I think healing is a better gauge b/c you are only limited to the activation time and in the 15/25 sec you can get 7-10 heals off before the clock runs off. and use your high and low numbers as a range.


But on the video, given the same appoximate dice roll on damage we are still talking 240HP difference. We also don't know what the attack rating on his toon is either, so it is hard to see what math is behind his numbers. Another is his character selection, I stated that @ higher attack rating the WZ one does outpace it, but unless you have DR above ~800 the Rakata is more powerful.


I don't have a video, but I think I will make one and show all the stats I have been talking about. I feel that is minor compared to the reusability of the Rakata, unless you have all your equipment and don't need WZ medpaks.


All the info is there if you want to look for it... his gear, specs, stats. Ask yourself, what is the video trying to tell you? Shin's a regular contributor on these forums so why would he deliberately try to troll as you are implying?


240HP in that example is 4.29%.


Regardless, I'd encourage anyone to grab a buddy and go to Ilum and test for yourself. Won't take you more than a few minutes. You will get results directly related to your class/gear/spec/stats without dealing with all the JV theorycrafting.


If the damage/healing is comparable, then the Warzone Adrenal is the clear winner:


1. longer duration (25 secs vs 15 secs) plus

2. damage reduction.


10 secs can mean 3-5 extra attacks/heals. As a healer, I sometimes pop the wz adrenal just to save my butt. Think of it this way, if you are facing an equal opponent... you pop Rakata and he pop WZ, he's going to have a large advantage over you.


I understand that people still need their wz comms to purchase gear, and also in 1.2 the wz adrenals will double in price, but from a pure performance point of view, the Warzone Adrenal wins.



Also to clear up earlier misconceptions in this thread:


WZ Adrenal/Buff DOES NOT STACK with the biochem adrenals.


Rakata Triage Adrenal reduces YOUR damage output by 50% (ie. BAD)

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I don't know, my results ( I haven't sat down and actually crunched numbers here so bare with me) are typically that when using the warzone adrenal that says "+15% increase to expertise" my damage doesn't change noticeably whatsoever (as far as I can tell) and i assumed up to this point it was due to DR. But when I use a power adrenal my damage is very noticeably increased, and using the power adrenal+power relic my crits can push 4.3k (only comparable to a power adrenal + crit/surge relic). Whereas normal crits and warzone adrenal crits tend to both be in the 2-3.5k range.



Also my tooltip shows literally 0 increase in pvp stat from adrenals, and I'm not sure if this is a glitch associated with it or what not.



And for gear comparison I'm a champion/battlemaster mix balanced for maximum power (I have yet to finish re-modding all the BM gear for power because I see no point to any of it before 1.2 now).



And my spec is a deception assassin. (infiltration shadow equivalent I believe)




If anyone can post a screenshot or video proof of some kind on this matter one way or another I'd appreciate it because I'm going to feel like an idiot if I could have been doing +15% damage to people this whole time. I just think I would have noticed that kind of steep increase by now since i've tried the wz adrenals out more than a few times.


Your character sheet doesn't display the bonus to expertise from the WZ expertise Adrenals - tested an confirmed this myself over the weekend; however I did have a guildmate state that he got his tooltip to display the 15% expertise bonus on his character's pvp sheet via WZ adrenal. Again, all I can say is that expertise bonus seems to have a larger effect on skills with high damage output compared to your weeker skills. I.E. for my madness sorc., I benefit more from a Power Adrenal for low-to-moderate damaging abilities such as DoT's. However, I notice significantly more damage when I pop an expertise Adrenal and use skill such as Shock (which is actually about the same damage increase from a power adrenal, honestly), but I REALLY notice it when I use a Death Field. I don't care what class you are or if you're even on a WZ Expertise Adrenal yourself, but my Death Field will crit you for more than 2800 damage when I'm on a WZ Expertise Adrenal (unless you are guarded) - 2600 is likely the least damage I've done with a Death Field Crit and that would involve an intercede reduction, healing damage reductions, in addition to defensive cooldowns (excluding sins/maras defensives that would never allow such damage).


Some key points to use as tests is to make certain that you are comparing damages against and equally specced/geared person/class otherwise your baseline will screw up - I've run my tests against the same exact shield-specced powertech and always in warzones. Furthermore, if you're only wearing power pieces of BM and Champ, you should definitely benefit greater from an expertise adrenal since your power will likely be ~600 and a power relic will put you up to/beyond the soft-cap.

Edited by SinnedWill
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