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Empire is too strong


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I've only been playing PVP a few weeks, but it seems like the Empire has too many strong classes.


You do know that the classes are virtually identical, with mostly cosmetic and ability name differences... hello?

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excluding any debate on what makes you a "good" player:


Issue number 1:when you have a larger population base it's not unreasonable to expect them to have a larger quantity of skilled players. It probably breaks down to where there's an equal percentage of skilled players for both factions, but because one is larger there are more.


Issue number 2, Imperials have faster queues and play more games (same function huttball) because of their population size. One would hope the more you play the better you get.


Issue number 3: As per issue #2 the more games you play, the faster you gain valor and the currency to purchase gear. so you potentially gear faster. With the exception of illum daily/weeklies (everyone completes these at the same rate regardless of win or loss in wzs) all other pvp quests and commendation acquisition goes faster when you have more games to play.

With the previous medal changes win/loss in warzones only really affects the win quests, you can still pull in 80 coms and 3k valor in a loss rather easily, and when you can play those games more often even if you lose, you get warzone coms faster.

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Imps just have more players in general and a lot of pvp fanatics.


On a sidenote you should be proud of those screenshots. You were up against much better organised and geared players, yet you won the second one and came close to winning the first one.


You should bind your keys though, it'll help you out a lot.




And it is an L2P issue. Bind your keys and learn to interact.

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Just btw...


Republic Classes = Empire Classes ... They just have different names.


LOL they are so NOT mirrors. They may look like it on paper but there are some real ****** animation glitches for Republic that make some instant abilities have cast times where Empire get a true instant. There are also dmg discrepancies on some Empire abilities compared to their Republic counterpart. The Rep has higher dmg. So this game is most certainly NOT mirror classes in the actual game play.

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If the classes are mirrors then why do I never see any sages/gunslingers getting 55 kills after we dominated a game?


Depends on the length of the game. This one was a pretty close, long match on Alderaan. Lots of kills on that one. I usually don't get 50 kills even in games my team dominates.

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Just btw...


Republic Classes = Empire Classes ... They just have different names.



Imperial classes >> republic classes

Cant count how many times i lost a WZ since my "instant" sage ability (1.5 sec delay) didnt interrupted the guy capping the node/planting bomb while thier sorc can instant lightining everything.

Please stop syang those BS. Thanks.

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