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Remaking choices in companion converstions


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Do you all think it would be possible for them to add in the private quarters like a personal video recorder that has filmed you since you started your journey and that by watching these it can allow you to change your choices with a companion that you spoke with? I mean I guess there is no real need for it but, I would like to see something like that. Anybody else?
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Wait, you mean the ability to redo companion conversations? Why would they do that. As it is if you don't like the way something turns out just hit ESC during the convo and you can start it over. By being able to just go back to any conversation with your companion at anytime would completely ruin the whole idea of choices and consequences in this game.
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before the quest has completed you can hit escape to redo the quest. depending on what choices im given i do this fairly often. sometimes just to see how it plays out, and sometimes because the answer is different enough from the one given that i dont like that turn of events.


as to going back and redoing companion quests, no. its pretty solid and changes how things turn out far more than many will let on. that kind of changes i hope never come to pass since its opens up a very slippery slope.

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Well no I haven't done anything I regret. Trust me I have hit that esc key plenty of times. It's just later on I have heard of somebody doing it differently and instead of having to make another character of that same class I would just like to be able to explore the other options. It doesn't have to be permanent and the few choices I am talking about for me would not affect my game at all. It's more of a curiosity than anything else.
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I can't see BW, or any game if it had a similar companion mechanic, letting you go back and selectively change one conversation. Sometimes you have to live with the choices you make.


However, I could see them adding a sort of mind-wipe option that resets your companions affection to 0 and also resets all the companion quests/conversations.


If you were RP, you could say you were forced to do it because of all the top-secret stuff you've done for the empire/republic that your companion shouldn't know about, or may be in danger because they know.

Edited by JakkFrost
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I always use escape to get companion points, even right to the point where the conversation ends. If too many points are lost, say by choosing dark with a light side centric companion like Vette, if too many points are at risk I switch to droid mode to make those point sapping choices without affecting her points.


Sometimes it backfires though, I've died a few times doing this with the droid, as it has limited heals and no attack, if you're dumped into a fight from a conversation, especially a group, you can die very quickly lol.


If doing this is an exploit then I'm guilty of using it.

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I can't see BW, or any game if it had a similar companion mechanic, letting you go back and selectively change one conversation. Sometimes you have to live with the choices you make.


However, I could see them adding a sort of mind-wipe option that resets your companions affection to 0 and also resets all the companion quests/conversations.


If you were RP, you could say you were forced to do it because of all the top-secret stuff you've done for the empire/republic that your companion shouldn't know about, or may be in danger because they know.


That's exactly what I am trying to say. Like in Dragon Age: Origins. You could give your companion a gift that made them lose all their affection for you and then you could gain it back and re-due their talks.

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