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Crafting Request


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I'm not sure if there's another section for something like this, but I searched and didn't find anything, so figured I'd post here.



I'm looking for specific skins and haven't been able to find quite what I want on the GTN or as a drop. Must be Medium armor, orange moddable, and without class restrictions.






These are the leggings I'm currently wearing...



They're pretty close to what I'd like, however they look more charcoal grey in-game, and I'd prefer a deeper black. I've searched through the screenshots on TORhead but didn't have any luck.



For shirts, I'm looking for this skin...





I've seen several blue versions as drops, but not sure where to find an orange moddable version. I know there's a grey variety available from the Specialty Goods vendor on Nar Shaddaa, but I'm looking for the black variety.




If anyone could craft these items, or knows where they drop, I'd love to hear from you! I'm looking to buy several sets of each, if possible. I'm on the Krayt Dragon server and can be found in-game on any of the characters listed in my sig, but your best bet would be my main, Ursa. You can also PM me on the forums or post here or whatever is easiest for ya. Thanks! :)

Edited by NoxIrradiata
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