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Lieutenant Pierce affection quest bug


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Sooo, after the first rank of affection with Lieutenant Pierce, I have gotten NO more quests/chats from him whatsoever. I have him up to 10,000 affection, the max, yet I haven't seen anything in the form of him wanting to speak with me in private. Anyone else have this issue or know how to solve it?
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Sooo, after the first rank of affection with Lieutenant Pierce, I have gotten NO more quests/chats from him whatsoever. I have him up to 10,000 affection, the max, yet I haven't seen anything in the form of him wanting to speak with me in private. Anyone else have this issue or know how to solve it?


I was surfing the forums and came across this. First thing I'd like to let you know about is dialog triggers. Affection only goes so far.


For example: I was at over 8k with Kira on my JK and didn't get more than the introduction conversation. I was going bat guano crazy, thinking either the game was bugged or she somehow wasn't a LI for my male JK. However, once I finished with Chapter 1, it unlocked much of the conversations with her. I spent literally 10 minutes real time in my ship chatting with her. I even dinged from it. :D


Secondly, I hope you're not trying for a romance with Pierce on a female SW. He is not romancable beyond one fade to black scene. :(

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