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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commendations Guide?


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Is there a guide on how warzone commendations work?

I understand how to spend warzone commendations on gear from the "PVP Armor" vendors, but I don't understand what happens at level 50.

How do warzone commendations factor in the the champion/battlemaster levels?


Another way to ask this question, is what do I do with a level 47 character who has 900 warzone commendations?

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Is there a guide on how warzone commendations work?

I understand how to spend warzone commendations on gear from the "PVP Armor" vendors, but I don't understand what happens at level 50.

How do warzone commendations factor in the the champion/battlemaster levels?


Another way to ask this question, is what do I do with a level 47 character who has 900 warzone commendations?


Start buying champion bags(these will be your focus, untill you are valor 60, then your focus will be battlemaster bags). use the tokens from those bags on your specific npc's near the pvp daily machine, to buy your gear with said tokens.

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Now I see why I didn't remember where the champion bags were, you also need mercenary commendations to buy them. I've never had one of those.


So first, you need to trade the warzone commendations in for mercenary commendations, so that then you can spend more warzone commendations and mercenary commendations on the champion bags?


Thanks for your help.

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