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Defections/Realm Transfers


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This is a straight-forward thread. Alot of us desire the ability to transfer realms in order to join friends and not have to grind another 50 out. I myself, have two, one Republic Vanguard and a Sith Marauder, however, they are on different realms. Obviously, this is a problem.


It would be a simple fix for Bioware to allow us to transfer characters to a new realm...as for which Legacy you would get...make it like changing your name in World of Warcraft...either keep the one you have, select the other, or get a new one entirely. Now wouldn't that be amazing?


Alot of us with 16 Legacy here and 7 Legacy there would be content...just add the experience numbers up to get the new Legacy level. It would be a lovely fix.

Edited by JKami
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:DAlso while on the topic, (my space bar some how entered the unfinished thread lol) defections aka Faction Swaps, would also allow some interesting gameplay. Not only could we be say, a Trooper on the Empire or a Sith on the Republic, but it would bring people together whom desire to play with friends or elsewhere.


I truly love my Trooper and miss not really being able to play him because he's off on anothe server, alone with 16 wasted Legacy it seems. Bringing that all over would be nice, and I'm sure other players would agree. However, throughout the game itself and the movies...many defections occured.


One of the most famous, would be Anakin Skywalker heading towards the Dark Side. Obviously endless possibilites with that. In-game, the first Flashpoint mentions defections with the Republic General whom was once in the Empire. Not to mention many other quests...and even companions...like Elara Dorne and Jaesa Willsaam.


A simple story mode to transition us to the other side would not only be epic, but allow bioware to keep all story modes, gear, and classes in-tact. All in all, making Bioware's life easier, the game more intricate with a lovely new story twist, and so on and so forth.


Now, I believe defection at early levels would be hard, and would require story revamps...unless they follow the same story just answering to say a Sith Lord or Jedi...either that or make defections level 50 only saving a lot of trouble overall. Whelp, thanks for the time as usual guys and I hope you agree! :D

Edited by JKami
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