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PvP gear bonuses - too much? too little? back to the drawing board?


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Take PvE gear out of the equation. That is, assume that you can't get gear in PvE that would advantage you in PvP. Imagine, maybe, a heroic stat mechanic that is kind of like the PvE version of Expertise, and it only kicks in when fighting NPCs.


Okay, so with that said, I'm just curious where the PvP community in SWTOR stands on the current state of PvP gear, particularly in regards (maybe exclusively in regards) to level 50 PvP.


Is the benefit from expertise gear so great that it creates a huge imbalance between geared out level 50s and people coming in with whatever they were wearing the moment they dinged level 50? Does it create a barrier to entry?


Is the difference in performance perfectly fine and expected?


Is the difference between a well geared and basically geared character not big enough?


Is expertise gear, itself, just a totally wrong-headed notion?


Anyway, I dinged level 50 a couple of days ago, but really haven't had a chance to do much. Did one warzone. Got my *** handed to me, but I'm willing to accept I could have been having an off night or I just wasn't ready for the level of competition at 50. Also, I came into the warzone late when my team was already losing. So whatever.


But I'm curious, because I've heard some stuff about the benefit of PvP gear, and it's hard to reconcile with things that developers like Georg Zoeller were saying pre-launch about how the difference would be something like 10% tops. So I'm wondering how those claims have panned out once the rubber met the road.


Can any experienced PvPers speak to this?

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The gearing system is **** atm. Luckily bioware are fixing it with 1.2: Champion gear buyable for credits. There will still be a difference in gear but the gap won't be so absurd high.


Good step Bioware!

Edited by Teabaker
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The gearing system is **** atm. Luckily bioware are fixing it with 1.2: Champion gear buyable for credits. There will still be a difference in gear but the gap won't be so absurd high.


Good step Bioware!


Doesn't it eventually become an endless cycle, though, where they have to keep adding in new levels of expertise gear so that people have something new for which to strive? Just seems as though if it's bad now it could easily become that bad again pretty quickly.


Again, I really don't have the personal experience, myself, to speak to this. Generally speaking, I haven't really liked PvP gear in other games, however.

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Take PvE gear out of the equation. That is, assume that you can't get gear in PvE that would advantage you in PvP. Imagine, maybe, a heroic stat mechanic that is kind of like the PvE version of Expertise, and it only kicks in when fighting NPCs.


Okay, so with that said, I'm just curious where the PvP community in SWTOR stands on the current state of PvP gear, particularly in regards (maybe exclusively in regards) to level 50 PvP.


Is the benefit from expertise gear so great that it creates a huge imbalance between geared out level 50s and people coming in with whatever they were wearing the moment they dinged level 50? Does it create a barrier to entry?


Is the difference in performance perfectly fine and expected?


Is the difference between a well geared and basically geared character not big enough?


Is expertise gear, itself, just a totally wrong-headed notion?


Anyway, I dinged level 50 a couple of days ago, but really haven't had a chance to do much. Did one warzone. Got my *** handed to me, but I'm willing to accept I could have been having an off night or I just wasn't ready for the level of competition at 50. Also, I came into the warzone late when my team was already losing. So whatever.


But I'm curious, because I've heard some stuff about the benefit of PvP gear, and it's hard to reconcile with things that developers like Georg Zoeller were saying pre-launch about how the difference would be something like 10% tops. So I'm wondering how those claims have panned out once the rubber met the road.


Can any experienced PvPers speak to this?


in 1.2, gear differences won't matter much, as gear will be relatively easy to obtain...


currently, if you prepared prior to hitting 50 (ie 1000/1000 comms + pre bought champ bag), the gear gap would still hurt, but you could minimize it compared to having nothing...


getting full champion gear only took a week and a half of doing dailies and the weeklies and you could compete, as champ gear was only slightly less than BM gear in stats...


FYI i also play sniper and our class is entirely dependent on how geared out we are...

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I think it really depends on how you look at PvP and why people PvP. While PvE gear progression is pretty clear - in PvP it is not so much.


In PvP you have to make a distinction between gear vs skill. While gear should play a role in PvP match it should be even or sub-par to skill over the player and skill of the team. You don't need to add more powerful version of gear to keep PvP interesting - instead you can add ranks, looks, customization, vehicles, etc. Something that would permit dedicated PvP players to separate themselves from the rest.


It was stated many times before that difference between entry level PvP gear and top level PvP gear should never be more than 15 - 20%. So if they will release more powerful versions of top level armor they will also need to bump up entry level accordingly.


From my personal perspective PvP always has been and always will be about player skill and I don't mean just the skill rotation and reflexes and that is only part of it. It is about your build and how you chose to customize your gear - did you stack power or crit, etc. Give us more tools to further customize my character like augments that nerf one ability but boost the other or give me ability to customize my gear to fit exact stats that I want (coming in 1.2).


I think reward in PvP should be greater level of customization (including looks and titles) the further you get rather than simply making gear more powerful.

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I think reward in PvP should be greater level of customization (including looks and titles) the further you get rather than simply making gear more powerful.


Those are my sentiments, as well. I actually really like the way gear works in this game. Lots of different options for customizing the sorts of stats you want to stack...or not stack, as the case may be. Maybe you want to take a more balanced approach.


Anyway, as a level 50 with 0 articles of PvP gear and only about 900 warzone commendations, I might just put PvP on the backburner until 1.2 comes along.

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Take PvE gear out of the equation. That is, assume that you can't get gear in PvE that would advantage you in PvP. Imagine, maybe, a heroic stat mechanic that is kind of like the PvE version of Expertise, and it only kicks in when fighting NPCs.


Okay, so with that said, I'm just curious where the PvP community in SWTOR stands on the current state of PvP gear, particularly in regards (maybe exclusively in regards) to level 50 PvP.


Is the benefit from expertise gear so great that it creates a huge imbalance between geared out level 50s and people coming in with whatever they were wearing the moment they dinged level 50? Does it create a barrier to entry?


Is the difference in performance perfectly fine and expected?


Is the difference between a well geared and basically geared character not big enough?


Is expertise gear, itself, just a totally wrong-headed notion?


Anyway, I dinged level 50 a couple of days ago, but really haven't had a chance to do much. Did one warzone. Got my *** handed to me, but I'm willing to accept I could have been having an off night or I just wasn't ready for the level of competition at 50. Also, I came into the warzone late when my team was already losing. So whatever.


But I'm curious, because I've heard some stuff about the benefit of PvP gear, and it's hard to reconcile with things that developers like Georg Zoeller were saying pre-launch about how the difference would be something like 10% tops. So I'm wondering how those claims have panned out once the rubber met the road.


Can any experienced PvPers speak to this?


the gap between a full BM and a new 50 without expertisse now is like trying to kill a fly with a hammer

Even the people that use rakata stuff and no expertisse fail at some point

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Doesn't it eventually become an endless cycle, though, where they have to keep adding in new levels of expertise gear so that people have something new for which to strive? Just seems as though if it's bad now it could easily become that bad again pretty quickly.


Again, I really don't have the personal experience, myself, to speak to this. Generally speaking, I haven't really liked PvP gear in other games, however.


Well, I usually play PvP for competition and fun. I don't really care about the progressive part, though people see this differently. Also in 1.2 you will get gear really quick and even if they add keeping new tiers you can get them really fast. I really don't mind.

Edited by Teabaker
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