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would you stick to Anni spec after 1.2?


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I have put hours into my sentinel. Swapping mods/adrenals/relics etc. Theory crafted and whatnot.


My heart was deadset on Watchman/Annhilation. I put hours into it, I was a healers nightmare. 6s kicks, 0m force leaps.. etc. My Merciless Slash/Annihilate would crit easily for 4k (rarely hit 5k unless I had my consumables ready to go. I was living the dream.


So up until a week ago I switched to Focus/Rage. With all my battlemaster gear, Surge to 75%. and my Power relics/Power Adrenals. I was bursting full Battlemaster's for over 5K.


I can produce so much dmg against a healer, that enemies pull off to kill me. All while eating my crits.


I could easily get 300k dmg playing the objective and focusing on the healer. I will tell you right now that my sole objective, is to make a healer's life a living nightmare.


Rage is just too good and trumps Annhilation IMO. And I played for months as Annilation. I'm always at the top of the Republic boards, and I'm always.. as best I can.. playing the objective in any gametype.


Smart Rage vs Smart Anni.. I'd say Rage will win.


As said above.. take it for what you will. It's the player behind the M/K that will make their spec shine better than others. There is no "I win spec". It's all about you and you avatar.

Edited by Stalzy
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I have put hours into my sentinel. Swapping mods/adrenals/relics etc. Theory crafted and whatnot.


My heart was deadset on Watchman/Annhilation. I put hours into it, I was a healers nightmare. 6s kicks, 0m force leaps.. etc. My Merciless Slash/Annihilate would crit easily for 4k (rarely hit 5k unless I had my consumables ready to go. I was living the dream.


So up until a week ago I switched to Focus/Rage. With all my battlemaster gear, Surge to 75%. and my Power relics/Power Adrenals. I was bursting full Battlemaster's for over 5K.


I can produce so much dmg against a healer, that enemies pull off to kill me. All while eating my crits.


I could easily get 300k dmg playing the objective and focusing on the healer. I will tell you right now that my sole objective, is to make a healer's life a living nightmare.


Rage is just too good and trumps Annhilation IMO. And I played for months as Annilation. I'm always at the top of the Republic boards, and I'm always.. as best I can.. playing the objective in any gametype.


Smart Rage vs Smart Anni.. I'd say Rage will win.


As said above.. take it for what you will. It's the player behind the M/K that will make their spec shine better than others. There is no "I win spec". It's all about you and you avatar.


Yep with anni or rage I always top the kills/dmg. Pugging i'd say anni is best. Engaging and killing 3 enemie at the West Turret by yourself :p. In a group with a couple healers rage is amazing and especially so with another rage spec smashing groups of people. TRIPLE KILL!

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I have put hours into my sentinel. Swapping mods/adrenals/relics etc. Theory crafted and whatnot.


My heart was deadset on Watchman/Annhilation. I put hours into it, I was a healers nightmare. 6s kicks, 0m force leaps.. etc. My Merciless Slash/Annihilate would crit easily for 4k (rarely hit 5k unless I had my consumables ready to go. I was living the dream.


So up until a week ago I switched to Focus/Rage. With all my battlemaster gear, Surge to 75%. and my Power relics/Power Adrenals. I was bursting full Battlemaster's for over 5K.


I can produce so much dmg against a healer, that enemies pull off to kill me. All while eating my crits.


I could easily get 300k dmg playing the objective and focusing on the healer. I will tell you right now that my sole objective, is to make a healer's life a living nightmare.


Rage is just too good and trumps Annhilation IMO. And I played for months as Annilation. I'm always at the top of the Republic boards, and I'm always.. as best I can.. playing the objective in any gametype.


Smart Rage vs Smart Anni.. I'd say Rage will win.


As said above.. take it for what you will. It's the player behind the M/K that will make their spec shine better than others. There is no "I win spec". It's all about you and you avatar.


This, in a nut shell, for me anyway. I know many people will always have arguments for and against a certain spec. I've done all 3 and nothing compares to Rage. 1v1 vs most all Anni/Watchmen spec players on my server and I can wipe the floor with them without breaking much of a sweat. There's maybe one Anni spec spec player I have trouble with and he's a guildie. He also always q's with a pocket healer so we never really had the opportunity to do a true 1v1. There's also only one 1 Watchmen player that gives me fits but he's a pretty damn good player.


If I'm not at the top for damage, I'm damn near it and play the objectives to boot. I'm probably the ONLY Rage spec Mara on the server and there are quite a few Mara/Sents here. I'm kind of hoping everyone stays Anni/Watch on my server.

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This, in a nut shell, for me anyway. I know many people will always have arguments for and against a certain spec. I've done all 3 and nothing compares to Rage. 1v1 vs most all Anni/Watchmen spec players on my server and I can wipe the floor with them without breaking much of a sweat. There's maybe one Anni spec spec player I have trouble with and he's a guildie. He also always q's with a pocket healer so we never really had the opportunity to do a true 1v1. There's also only one 1 Watchmen player that gives me fits but he's a pretty damn good player.


If I'm not at the top for damage, I'm damn near it and play the objectives to boot. I'm probably the ONLY Rage spec Mara on the server and there are quite a few Mara/Sents here. I'm kind of hoping everyone stays Anni/Watch on my server.


Honestly I've never met a Rage marauder/sent that could kill me as Annihilation.. Guess its really just about the players and how well they know the class/spec

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