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raid/hard mode help


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I have recently started doing hard mode flashpoints on my Mara and do not seem to be putting out enough dps, so I have been tweaking my gear with daily rewards. Is there any specific enhancements/mods I need to look for to get up to par? I am mostly anni with about 6 points in carnage...Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
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My Marauder is just 2 pieces shy of full Rakata, and I always felt that I was one of the biggest contributions to DPS in all Operations. Some fights are clearly more beneficial to ranged-DPS, but you can easily out-dps anyone in the long run.



I used Annihilation the entire time. Close Quarters is amazing to keep a steady flow of rage for your most damaging moves.


Typically you start with the normal

Charge>Deadly Saber>Battering Assault>Rupture>Annihilate combo, and then use each ability as it comes off cooldown after that. Be sure not to apply Rupture again until the first Rupture has ended!


Keep Annihilator at 3 stacks as much as you can.


Spam Berserk each time it's up for more damage and to make life easier for your healers (since you'll contribute to the heals too).


Ravage is great for most bosses if you use it just after they use an ability that could potentially interrupt your Ravage (like Karagga's tunneling drill). Try to use Deadly Saber before you use Ravage for it to also apply 2 stacks of DS! Ravage is also very handy if many abilities are on cooldowns and you want to wait for them to return.


Got extra rage with everything on cooldown? Vicious Slash spam!


Use Frenzy>BLOODTHIRST near the start of the fight (just after you Battering Assault, usually). Coordinate with your teammates and tell them to blow all their big moves + their relics for maximum damage output. Also be sure to have the DPS in one party in the Ops, and the healers/tanks in another, since you can only affect your PARTY, not your OPS with it. For most boss fights, you can use Bloodthirst twice per fight. The second time you use Bloodthirst, get 30 stacks of Fury, pop Bloodthirst, then pop Frenzy for another 30 stacks, and then use Berserk. You will now not only crit on your DoTs, but also deal 15% extra damage with them. Nifty!


Vicious Throw every time it's available to you and the target is below 20% (30% in 1.2). It's got massive damage output when combined with Annihilate and Ravage.



Oh, and for Gharj, there's a neat trick if you have "Defensive Forms" in the Carnage tree. Before the fight starts, stand in the lava and you get 2 Fury each time the lava deals damage. You can get to 30 Fury before the fight starts by hopping in and out of the lava. Just don't die from it, though.


For any boss that uses a predictable AoE attack (like Gharj), you can use Phantom in the Annihilation tree (until 1.2 changes it) to take 0 damage from that attack. And you can do this every 45 seconds! For Gharj, that means you can stay in melee range for every other Pounce. However, don't do this on Soa for the lightning balls, as it apparently changes the target to someone else.



I think that's most of the tips I can give, at least the ones I can think of right now.

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