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Why most of ppl think that anihhi is better?


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Hello guys, im a litle new and im gere to learn about the marauder class, and i see that most of posts igree that anihhi ia the better build for Pvp and pve, but some alimpa at carnage like the speed bônus and the gore looks só good, and the rage criticais plus the passível armor penetration looks great to, but i could not see what make the anihhi so far a better tree, i think im not looking the True build power, can any one show me? Thx
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They are both good.


Annihilation outshines Carnage in sustained DPS and survivability, at the cost of lower burst and your bleeds can be dispelled in PvP.


Carnage is pure direct damage, an ravage applying a root to prevent people from running away. It also has impressive burst.


The nice thing about annihilation is the self-heal allow you to take on champion mob and H2 solo with Quinn healing you.

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i see only 1 skill that heal me by my bleed crits... and it is only 1% of my total health, did it realy increase my survival so mutch?


with talents its more than 1%


and with berserk guaranteeing crits plus a very high crit rate on bleeds to begin with ... yes, it really can make a big difference


when a marauder can finish a warzone with 100k healing done (which is mostly to the marauder himself) its a tremendous surviveability increase over carnage


a couple % per tick doesnt seem like a big heal, but it is when it ticks a few hundred times per match

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Berserk makes your bleed auto-crit and add its own heal party wide in Juyo. Your fury building allows you to use Berserk every 4-5 GCD, it has a noticeable effect. In total, you get 3%/bleed crit and you will heal 18% over 3 seconds. Its very noticeable.


Annihilation to work well is also a lot more difficult to play.


You need to monitor proc, fury building, rage building, defensive cooldowns and your bleed applications. Carnage flows better, in a way.

Edited by verfallen
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You can respec freely once a week. So try whichever sounds better for you. Or try both.


As said, carnage is about dealing direct damage with noticeable burst time and lower damage between each. Annihilation will steadily bleed someone dry, gives better survivability but is also more complex to play.


So try them both and see for yourself.

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hum.. thx.. =] what would you guys sugest to lvl a marauder and why? =]


whichever you like, it really doesnt matter


just keep your gear (and your companions) as up to date as possible, particularly your saber hilts

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DOTS are the answer along with following the talents: seeping wound,deep wound. short fuse(you build stacks hilarioisly fast and i thunk it should tier2 skill so it would accecible for all specs), subjucation, empowerment, phantom(very handy especially on hutball) and close quarters which make your charge an actual interrupt.


even if anni is much better on pvp, i love carnage ,on group fights you can decimate your opponets in the blink of an eye, the rage management(with enraged slash) is FANTASTIC there are occasions that i am just using batterring assault to refill my rage tank not to mentiomn that i fitted retaliation to my carnage rotation due to the extra rage (on anni the rage managment is very strict). though 1v1 you are as good as an anni marauder.


long story short

anni has better sustained dps and survaivability and thats why it is unarguably the best pvp spec.


carnage has the most consistant and higher dps and imo when ataru form will be fixed (1.2 patch) carnage will be the best pve spec(i cant be certain i am just assuming)


p.s. the existing gear sets work in favor of anni while they are actually impairing carnage's dps .In order to have a proper carnage gear you have to replace acurracy with surge and power!!!

(you get +3% accuracy from ataru form and up to 3% from narrowed hatred ,a total of 4-6%)

Edited by darth_billy
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