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Easy marauder tips


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Id just like to clarify i will not talk about rotations or tree's im focusing on the mistakes i see fellow marauders/sents make that can change the outcome of a fight dramatically


Marauders/sents have so many moves that i often find myself having to do lots of different stuff to different classes so i dont know how i would explain my rotation when it changes so much to all the newbies im sorry



Keep in mind all said here is exactly the same for a sent.

(with different names for the moves that i do not know)

(I am not discussing rotations here,marauders have tons of moves for different situations and have the option to be creative with the way they fight)


Hi, my first 50 was a Marauder. I picked it because everyone I knew wanted to be a sorc or bounty hunter and I always try to pick a class not many other people seem to be using. This is not the case on all servers but mine is the extremely light server, Anturi reach.


Now for quite awhile I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t seem to be on par with anyone else and after playing my bounty hunter alt I thought marauders were really UP, but they’re not! After trying some new rotations and endless hours of PVP practice against all sorts of different players and styles I’ve learned that this class is not UP. They are beautiful magnificent machines of doom and with a little practice and some gear you too can become a feared force of destruction.


Some key mistakes marauders make;


I only have one interrupt!

I initiate with force jump!

My auto attack is useless!

I die faster than any class!

Why do ranged kill me before I touch them!?


(For all this info I’m going to assume your opponents are skilled and just as geared as you. If you’re in fresh 50 gear and fight a guy in BM and win you’re either a god or he/she was not that smart.)



(I say these 2 classes because for some reason there both considered the most op.)

In order to take out a Sorc/sage or merc/trooper that’s in a channel based spec, (not all of them will be) you must master your interrupting and learn you have more than one. Sorcs/sages and merc/trooper all have something in common. All have multiple ways of healing, and multiple ways of getting you out of their face.



Marauders have;

Disruption: a 8 second cd (6 with points in annil)

Force choke: long cd but can be saved as a interrupt.

The Fear move: your aoe fear works as interrupt, but also has a long cd so make it count.

FORCE JUMP: Yes it interrupts!

Force camo: When u go invis you break there target so if there casten somthen on you poppen this will break the cast cause they have to retarget you,similar to runnen behind a wall


No matter what spec you are you have 4 interrupts to use as you please.


When your channeling opponents are low health they will begin the THROW, STUN, HEAL combo.

Considering most classes have 2 stuns it’s not as simple as “let me break a stun”. You need to pick which one to stop, unless you have points in force cloak.


If you haven’t used it yet and save it until they do their combo when your low, just get back in their face to disrupt and finish them. If you didn’t… well sorry to say but that sorcs going to get some health back, just try to get back in his face as quickly as possible.


This is why force jump should never ever be used as a initiate and always as a chase or interrupt after an opponent combos.

In addition Ravage can be used as an immobilize if you’re mid tree.

Now tbh idk if Zealous leap interrupts because I do not play mid tree, but I think it might.


I know BH and sorcs sometimes seem like they’re unkillable with their large amount of defense and escapability but Marauders DESTROY casters, we have more defense, just as much as escape ability and multiple ways to stop them from doing anything.




Assault and battering assault do not do that much damage, this is true however THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TOO. Both moves are to build rage, how you choose to use them in you rotation is your own choice but never face roll the assault and wonder why your hits are so small. Consider SLASH as your real auto attack.


I die faster than any class!


Let’s do some math here!

Cloak of pain- 20 percent

Berserk- 15 percent

Saber ward- 50 percent

Endless rage- 99 Percent! (Although it is a flight or fight move)


You have an insane amount of defense! INSANE but some people blow all defensive stuff early! This is not necessary at all! You will last longer if you ration out your defensive cd's. Never blow them all at once! Know when you’re about to get hit by something big!


Obfuscate does not add resistance, but it might as well because it increases your opponents miss chance. This buys precious time, never forget you have this.




If you’re in a 1v1 duel, this is irrelevant; you can see your target in front of you. There is no advantage of ''I didn't see him above me wail-en on me'' So get in that guy's face and show him you‘‘doesn’t afraid of anything!'' like the crazed death dealer you are! But maybe you’re in hutt ball and a ranged has the high ground advantage. You can’t just let him lay out your teammates like that! Show em you don’t play that S***


Now most ranged get a throw move, and unlike most opponents if they’re on a catwalk alone, it is actually ok to force jump. (But you should ONLY do this if you know they just used their throw if they’re a powertech/trooper THEY GET 2 and god does it suck. But you can just get right back up there and retry. I wouldn’t suggest jumping, try sneaking around.)


Now let’s make this easy and say they only have one throw but haven’t used it. You should always try to get the jump on ranged. (I mean sneaking up on them, not force jumping.) This makes their puny ranged advantage disappear! When they get nervous they’ll throw you. Lucky for you,you have jump still! (aren't you glad you didn't use it )You now have some time to teach that ranged guy a little lesson for what he did to you and your team.



I hope some of this advice helps the marauders who can’t find themselves.

Edited by Vektarulz
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Really nice piece of information, thanks for spending time and writting it nicely together. Im level 50 marauder for while now and think i was missing a lot on interrupts, can catch up with skills now:D Respect for You maaan;D


Ps. I reprted this post to be deleted - this way no one else will get this cool tips and only I gonna be uber:D

Ps.2 Sentence in ''Ps.'' is joke:D

Edited by PeterVVanKenobee
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Really nice piece of information, thanks for spending time and writting it nicely together. Im level 50 marauder for while now and think i was missing a lot on interrupts, can catch up with skills now:D Respect for You maaan;D


Ps. I reprted this post to be deleted - this way no one else will get this cool tips and only I gonna be uber:D

Ps.2 Sentence in ''Ps.'' is joke:D


I lol'd

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There are some great tips here.


Also picking out targets is also very important. You have to know what you are fighting beforehand. For example, I know as an Anni marauder what Deadly Saber looks like and everytime I see a marauder pop it, he gets force choked or I force camo or both because for the next 6 seconds hes going to be doing his most amount of damage. After hes done being stunned now I pop my deadly saber and hes force to counter me.


Knowing what other classes combos are, is a big advantage in almost any situation. Once you know all the other classes stuns, knockbacks, and big damage combos it becomes a simple game of logical reactions. Takes a while but reacting becomes second nature.


The biggest tip I can offer is MAKE PEOPLE REACT TO YOU and not the other way around. You play an offensive class, you must constantly put on the pressure.

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very good advises here.


i think the most important thing is to know what abilities you have, and use them in different combos.


and btw, we have yet another interrupt. its called camoflage(or so xD). when you see the enemy casting something big, just camo, and it just stops, but he still got the CD


and the most important thing is to know youre enemy.

the easiest way for that is just to play other characters, and try different talenttrees.

after a while you know the weakspots of that class, of that talent build, and can use that against youre opponets.


like when you see a marauder activating his cloak of pain, you know that if you dont attack him, it goes simply away, but he still has the CD on it.

and more stuff like that

Edited by Adanus
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i agree with original post escpecially about Force charge , use it only when it is needed . i would like to add that crippling slash is very usefull and most marauders underestimate if you are slowed down most of the time during combat have them taste their own medicine and you deprive from the casualty of running away while they have you stunlocked also if you put the slow on a sin you really ruin this troll's efforts of making you dizzy by making circles around you in order to maul you.


my 2 cents: when i have to charge a ranged guy on the catwalk when i reach him i asap hit rupture and i position my self while in the air(i can do without rupture ofc but why not put the dots and a slowdown on him while doing so),what i am trying to do is to make sure that i have an object behing me that will not allow me to fall down when i get knocked . also when you are chasiing someone on a ramp or the catwalk try to be perfectly alligned with him, i know it much much harder than it sounds but when you manage to do that you simply get knocked back not down:rolleyes:

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Always rememebr that one of the biggest advantages you have is that you can use almost all of your attacks while moving and they probably can't. Let them run, stay within melee range (it's further than you think) and keep the attacks up while moving. I see a lot of marauders running behind people waiting for them to stop, don't do that :)
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its true it does i forgot the mention that back when i wrote this all :p ill edit it in thanks :D


That explains why you said Maras (don't quite feel comfortable saying we yet since my alt Mara is only 38) have 4 interrupts but listed 5.

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Always rememebr that one of the biggest advantages you have is that you can use almost all of your attacks while moving and they probably can't. Let them run, stay within melee range (it's further than you think) and keep the attacks up while moving. I see a lot of marauders running behind people waiting for them to stop, don't do that :)


How do you keep in melee range w/o running behind target when target is running away from you?

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How do you keep in melee range w/o running behind target when target is running away from you?


Read the thread?


Save force charge for when they run away, if they run out of melee range. You run as fast as everyone else, if they blow a cooldown to run faster, get out of line of sight untill they stop moving fast, then force charge when theyre moving at normal speed... Utilize objects so they cant hurt you if force charge is on cooldown, that way they have to come to you if they want to get you down. My mara is only level 15, and i thought that part would be pretty basic... You gotta read you're ability descriptions and think about how you will use them, before you enter a warzone and do.

Edited by SveNnes
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Read the thread?


Save force charge for when they run away, if they run out of melee range. You run as fast as everyone else, if they blow a cooldown to run faster, get out of line of sight untill they stop moving fast, then force charge when theyre moving at normal speed... Utilize objects so they cant hurt you if force charge is on cooldown, that way they have to come to you if they want to get you down. My mara is only level 15, and this comes naturally to me... You gotta read you're ability descriptions and think about how you will use them, before you enter a warzone and do.


I did and I know about saving Charge for gap closing. I was asking b/c it seemed the poster I quoted is saying not to chase a running opponent ("I see people running behind others, don't do that."). But if you just charged someone after they blow their KB and they just run away from you, I'm pretty sure you need to chase them.

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Also, if you picked the talent, and are Carnage spec, you can have a passive run speed boost of 15% to chase that wildebeest trooper/mercenary down or whoever it is that you're beating on.


+2 Internets for sayen Wildebeest trooper/merc lol



And the other guy was right,Melee range is alot larger than some would think

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If you learnt anything from this thread then you must of been clueless...


May as well have added "you use dps abilities to kill targets" that's how basic this info was.


Except I guess I didn't write a paragraph to explain overexplaining my point so I guess I'm doing it wrong?

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If you learnt anything from this thread then you must of been clueless...


May as well have added "you use dps abilities to kill targets" that's how basic this info was.


Except I guess I didn't write a paragraph to explain overexplaining my point so I guess I'm doing it wrong?


the title is easy marauder tips,as in uncomplicated advice....soooooo waz up troll

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