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Top 10 Why Decline in Subscriptions


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I agree, Its should be more MMO than it is, I can barely find anyone to do Heroics and flashpoints with ever..BIOWARE LISTEN UP Merge Servers! Or Give a Free Server Move!


They recouped there money with game sales but are losing subscriptions at an alarming rate and wont admit it. The game is on a decline and will likely end up F2P and let me tell ya why...


This is the top 10 reasons why they lost 1/3 of there subscriptions already...


1. The game tunnels you thru levels and forces your path instead of giving the player abilty to roam and explore..one of the most important aspects of players intrest in swtor was to explore the star wars universe. People hate the Maze and Overuse of Instances. There is No Free Roam Planets.


2. No player Housing or area to collect and store trophy's. The ship could be a player housing type system but they didnt put a system to put stuff in there and personalize..Mistake BW..Big One. They also could of used a lvl of fleet for Apts..or an

area of a planet around the missing social hubs.....


3. Social Aspect of an MMO is Missing from the game. There are no social hangouts in the game. The Fleet is the only place to meet other players pretty much. The Fleet is just a vendor hub and a ship docking area. It has no Music Stage or interactive music instruments to play, so no one dances..theres no dance floor..theres no games, no dual area, no jukebox that everyone can hear with actual decent music, no fun anything in fleet. Also the chat and channel system is just too crippled. You cant interact with anyone barely..You cannot bind emotes to hotkeys because of the absence of a basic macro system. Its too hard to RP using emotes and actions and such..they really dont promote and social activity except heroics and flashpoints, but even that is fail and let me tell you why...


4. No Dungeon Finder makes finding a group for heroics or flashpoints SUCK. Who likes waiting days to find a group. Especially if your on a ...


5. Dead or Low Population Servers. They made too many servers for expected sales, and didnt think they would lose such a massive amount of subscriptions. now at this point in the game they dont want to admit it, so they are avoiding addressing the problem. Pretty much resolving in players not having fun because they cant get a group together and pretty much have to play solo. Wich isnt MMO? Right? But Low Pop servers also cause


6. Hard to get crafted gear. The absence of an ORDER Request System pretty much makes someone playing on a low pop server have a really low chance to find someone to make the stuff they need. also...


7. Crafting also is a dissapointment for Crafter Type Players...they pretty much are left with a gimped system where they cant even craft there own stuff and thats what they like to do.. BW alienated the Crafter Type players using there crafting system. Its about half of what it needs to be.


8. Loot sucks..Who wants to invest tons of time playing a game that doesnt feel very epic or fun when you complete a flashpoint or heroic etc..and the gear feels pretty much the same with a diffrent skin..The variants of the graphics are many..but where is the imbued stuff with added procs..where is the diffrence other than a cpl of points? That is demoralizing..where is the special effects and glowy flashy epic gear? The first several tiers have NONE. Also there isnt much of a way to have anything unique. There isnt any rarity to anything but clicking a button and hoping your companion gets a purple once in a while...There are no rare spawns or nothing to camp. No excitement in loot or gear or items honestly...except the droids/pets...but they gimped that too..only one allowed at a time..


9. No Sense of Community...The Galactic Civil War Feel of Star Wars is Missing. Where are the PLAYER EVENTS? Why isnt there a galactic civil war breakout once in awhile flashing global messages to players to goto X to participate? Because there arent any player to player trades instead people use the marketplace. BW gimped the player community forums. No one wants to read thru other server's bussiness while trying find events or trade info. BW gives no incentive to use the server forum at all. The PVP community is the only interaction with other players. And on Low Pop Servers there is no equality or fairness to teams. The servers are really unbalanced as well, Some are 1 Republic to 6 Imperials. Republic is going to need a new class or 2 to change this...So no Dev In Game Events and also no Player In Game Events because they didnt give anything to do in this game except Quests...right? Makes me sad..really sad...


10. In Game Support lacks timely responce and care. I will however vouch for phone support was helpful and curteous. Although its been a couple weeks and still no resolution for the probelm. So there not timely either...Were sick to death of unhelpful responses. If your gonna charge a premium in the day and age of F2P MMO's then you need to adhere to a few things.

a. Provide Customer Service worth paying $15 a month for. Be helpful and fast. Dont respond with useless information.

b. Listen to the Player Base. We know what we want to play, and what were willing to pay for. When we say add social activity in to the game, do it. Dont put our first place issue last.


You basically delivered a 1 player game with server access for multiplayer. But Not an MMO

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With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to continue your discussion in one of these locations.


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