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The Jedi Shadow Handbook v2.0


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The above is the spec that I am currently using. Its one of the original specs. BUT since we have hard numbers now I'm waiting to see if the 9% armor pen or a spec like this:




which would be 15%-18% (18% if you move a talent point out of Force Synergy) passive + accuracy if over 100% BUT the 4% crit chance to melee might be too much of a loss.





* edit depending on the need the last 2 points in force synergy could be used for AOE damage reduction or reduced mind snap CD..depending on the fights requirements.

Edited by Faldlrgn
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The DPS for Inf was appx 1350 in about 4mins.

I've done multiple runs for 5 mins and parse between 1100-1200 consecutively. My stationary stats are higher, but crit is lower. I believe I'm 23%. I'm curious to how he's hitting that hard. Would it be possible you could demo a DPS run and post it in youtube, as well builds?


Might be because the PTS dummies were bugged and and didn't dodge/parry at all. I'll get some testruns later this week on live ones.

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Balance will overall net you Higher DPS over the course of a boss fight if the proper rotation is done.


I want to say the same however all testing I have done is getting me the same dps numbers +\- 50 dps. Prob due to crits. Balance comes out as the go to spec not due to dps but due to utility/self heals. I'm comfortable with my healers so I roll infil due to less procs to watch and more awareness in each fight.

In the end pick the spec you're best at. Not the one that has the best theoretical dps.

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I want to say the same however all testing I have done is getting me the same dps numbers +\- 50 dps. Prob due to crits. Balance comes out as the go to spec not due to dps but due to utility/self heals. I'm comfortable with my healers so I roll infil due to less procs to watch and more awareness in each fight.

In the end pick the spec you're best at. Not the one that has the best theoretical dps.


Basically this!

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I want to say the same however all testing I have done is getting me the same dps numbers +\- 50 dps. Prob due to crits. Balance comes out as the go to spec not due to dps but due to utility/self heals. I'm comfortable with my healers so I roll infil due to less procs to watch and more awareness in each fight.

In the end pick the spec you're best at. Not the one that has the best theoretical dps.


Problem with your last sentence is that....both specs are pretty easy to play. There are not any hard specs in PvE to be perfectly honest. So people should pick the spec gives best dps. Unless they are playing casually and are not expected to bring the best they can.. but then most of the talk here becomes rubbish in that matter anyway.


It's always 2 roads: Do what you like and can do best, know basics. OR Do what your class can do best, know everything.


Balance does more dps AND has a self healing (very little) and 15% less damage from periodics. While infiltration has 30% less damage from AoE has less dps - better burst. Which leads to balance being the superior for the road 2. For road 1 nothing really matters.


Note: I've been an infil player since the start cleaned all content on my server republic-first etc that way. So i have no hatred for any spec. Infil is perfectly viable.. but if you wipe at 2% at any boss it's your fault for not being balance.

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Problem with your last sentence is that....both specs are pretty easy to play. There are not any hard specs in PvE to be perfectly honest. So people should pick the spec gives best dps. Unless they are playing casually and are not expected to bring the best they can.. but then most of the talk here becomes rubbish in that matter anyway.


It's always 2 roads: Do what you like and can do best, know basics. OR Do what your class can do best, know everything.


Balance does more dps AND has a self healing (very little) and 15% less damage from periodics. While infiltration has 30% less damage from AoE has less dps - better burst. Which leads to balance being the superior for the road 2. For road 1 nothing really matters.


Note: I've been an infil player since the start cleaned all content on my server republic-first etc that way. So i have no hatred for any spec. Infil is perfectly viable.. but if you wipe at 2% at any boss it's your fault for not being balance.



To be perfectly honest. most people are going to play the spec they want to play. If your op/ FP group wipes at 2% there are more factors than just dps. such as:


Did someone die ? If

so How early? Was it their fault ( stood in fire )?

Or was it the healers fault for not being more aware of raid health?

Was it the tanks fault for not having enough Threat

Or did the tank die because he didn't rotate his cooldowns properly or save them for a specific mechanic?


Just being the best spec. 2% in an ops group is the difference between every critting and not over the course of the fight. One person cannot be specifically blamed on a 2% wipe. Could it have helped the situation yes. But not have been the direct cause of the wipe. One dps doesn't make or break the raid/op . This is not Sunwell pre 3.0 patch.

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To be perfectly honest. most people are going to play the spec they want to play. If your op/ FP group wipes at 2% there are more factors than just dps. such as:


Did someone die ? If

so How early? Was it their fault ( stood in fire )?

Or was it the healers fault for not being more aware of raid health?

Was it the tanks fault for not having enough Threat

Or did the tank die because he didn't rotate his cooldowns properly or save them for a specific mechanic?


Just being the best spec. 2% in an ops group is the difference between every critting and not over the course of the fight. One person cannot be specifically blamed on a 2% wipe. Could it have helped the situation yes. But not have been the direct cause of the wipe. One dps doesn't make or break the raid/op . This is not Sunwell pre 3.0 patch.

No people will play what is the best in progressing enviorement that is a fact or they get replaced by others willing to do it. That is how hard-progressing works. And as i said if the guilds are not focused on that matter then everyone plays whatever they wish.


On the 2% wipe - even everything perfectly executed if you do not have the maxed gear/spec on most dps i really doubt you can down the new bosses. Their enrage timer is pretty unforgiving. If you are doing new hardmodes you should know what i am talking about. Just tell your dps to go in their worst dps specs (not ****ed up specs..just worst DPS..in this case infiltration for shadows.) then do hardmode and execute all perfectly.. tell me your ending in a PM.


And in my eyes a dps that slacks in fight is same as a dps not bringing its best spec if they end up doing the same dps. (This last sentence is totally a self opinion.)


I hope this doesnt turn into a fight. - All i wanted to say is that: There are more factors INDEED but someone not being in their best spec is a factor too. A factor that needs to be eliminated for the sake of progression.

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All very good points. IMO dps is rarely lacking. Wipes are largely due to some one missing an interrupt, bad positioning etc... I would enjoy playing balance more, however watching for the proc to insta cast MC takes attention from the encounter. Since heals on dps is not an issue for my specific group and since I've not seen one definitive piece of information on "this spec does more dps", I choose the easier of the two specs to do ops as.

This is specific to me and my guild, I'm not trying to change minds but rather offering this as information to others to take into account. So here is how I see it for me. 1. Both specs do the same dps. I've spent hours checking all variations of the specs. 2. Both specs are easy. All specs for every class in every mmo I've ever played are easy. 3. Bring what you're group needs to strengthen it. Bal or Inf do the same thing. Dps is dps. In the end just play what you want.

Again, not to get hackles raised. This is how it works for me and my guild.


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Excuse me if this has been answered already. Is there a site that indicates how much Critical, Surge, and Accuracy rating we should hit before we begin to go for Power? I picked up the Campaign Stalker Generator last night, but soon realized I may have made a grave mistake and gone for the Campaign Force-Master's Focus. I know this is dependent on the other pieces I have, but I though some folks in this thread might have some insight.


I found my answer I believe. This page seems pretty informative:



Edited by mattmarq
Found my answer.
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Excuse me if this has been answered already. Is there a site that indicates how much Critical, Surge, and Accuracy rating we should hit before we begin to go for Power? I picked up the Campaign Stalker Generator last night, but soon realized I may have made a grave mistake and gone for the Campaign Force-Master's Focus. I know this is dependent on the other pieces I have, but I though some folks in this thread might have some insight.


I found my answer I believe. This page seems pretty informative:




Id say get around 30%-35% base crit before Smuggler buff


Surge starts showing DR around 76%-78% as well not positive. Its tough to say because I have never had full Rakata Stalker to really see the totals.


Power should be roughly 350+

Edited by Zintair
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Priority List:


1. Kinetic Ward (1 charge or about to expire)

2. Telekinetic Throw (3 stacks of Harnessed Shadows)

3. Spinning Strike (Target at 30% health or less)

4. Slow Time

5. Project (Particle Acceleration)

6. Force Breach (every CD)

7. Double Strike

8. Saber Strike (Conserving Force)


This priority list holds even single-target, as Slow Time and Force Breach have useful side effects, and Force in Balance is good damage for the FP cost.


Is this a typo? As a true Kinetic shadow you will never use Force in Balance. Is there a different ability you meant to put there?

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Is this a typo? As a true Kinetic shadow you will never use Force in Balance. Is there a different ability you meant to put there?


Hmm it might have been left over from Astral's original guide that has updated quite some.


I fixed it though thanks.

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This guide is amazing. Lots of great insight. I got more from the crafting section than I got from a couple dozen "crafting guide" web pages. Thanks for putting it together and maintaining it.


THanks, I wish the original author was still around to take credit. I still remember theorycrafting with Astral way back when.


Shout out to all the theory crafter Shadows / Assassins we've lost


Astral / Parthis / Philosmanic(still playing?) / Kitru / Power (still playing?)

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THanks, I wish the original author was still around to take credit. I still remember theorycrafting with Astral way back when.


Shout out to all the theory crafter Shadows / Assassins we've lost


Astral / Parthis / Philosmanic(still playing?) / Kitru / Power (still playing?)



Still playing, but my Shadow has been shelved. I realized that the reason I enjoyed Balance was the fact that it was (kind of) a melee/range hybrid. However, it's still pretty weak at range. I'm playing an Assault Vanguard now, and it fits my playstyle perfectly. I'm best in melee range, but I can still pull 70%-ish of my max DPS at 30m range.


Also, Trooper armor is a relief after wearing bathrobes :p

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Even when Project is not useful in the rotation for "tank and spank" fights where sustained damage is needed, I've found it quite useful for some scenarios (that appear more frequently in PvE than what you would expect)


1) Dealing with CC'ed mobs too close: Force in balance AoE effect can break CC in mobs that are too close. My parses show that, starting my rotation with Project instead of Force in Balance, followed by Sever Force, Force Breach and then Double Strike when procs of Force Strike/Find Weakness are not up, my DPS in the duration of these specific fights (usually strong/elite trash that die quickly) is equivalent than the one that I could have output starting with Force in Balance in a mob in that health range, without the risk of breaking cc. Perhaps the explanation comes from the extra damage that having Twin Disciples up makes up for the boost in DoTs that Force in Balance provides.


2) Spike damage in key mobs: Fabricator Stun Droid Adds are strong mobs (silver), however, its stun effect can nullify Healers in key moments where the Tank needs to be taken care off. I've found that Project gives me the spike damage that I need to dispatch them quickly.


Just an idea, my Guild is just starting in HMs, and all these assessments were done with Columi gear in all slots but Implants and Earpice (Rakata) and Relic (Black Hole +Power relic)

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I was reading the guide for the infiltration shadow and it mentions a light saber backstab, which skill is that? It says using your skills to set up a lightsaber backstab.


Shadow Strike has a behavior that resembles the "backstab" ability in other games where it appears. In order to be available you need to be behind the target.

Edited by Daggerhowl
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Still playing, but my Shadow has been shelved. I realized that the reason I enjoyed Balance was the fact that it was (kind of) a melee/range hybrid. However, it's still pretty weak at range. I'm playing an Assault Vanguard now, and it fits my playstyle perfectly. I'm best in melee range, but I can still pull 70%-ish of my max DPS at 30m range.


Also, Trooper armor is a relief after wearing bathrobes :p


I totally have a Vanguard coming up in levels as my official first 50 alt as well. The class is just so much fun and powerful.

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Hi all, i'm new to the game and i'm rolling a jedi shadow, at the moment i'm at level 16 and i'm going down the inf route, its a good spec to levelling?

Also, i have choose the biochem craft, which adrenal is most usefull to make me a re usable one?

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