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Trooper Resolve


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I have a quick question for all the commandos out there Do you guys see a problem with our resolve bar. It seems mine never actully will trigger properly. For instance if I cryo someone then sleep them it will give them a full white resolve bar. However when I am force choked then knocked down my resolve bar doesnt go to full. I have been knocked down, knocked back and mezz without a full resolve bar. Is it me or is the resolve system broken for us?


Also our field aide, when specked into it the extra clense for a mental ability seems to not work properly. Maybe I am wrong here but I find that more than half the time it doesnt clense.

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Resolve seems very random indeed. I have been carrying the ball in huttball and get pulled, pushed, frozen, knocked back, stunned and get no resolve charge at all.


It seems to work just as badly for both imperials and reps if thats any consolation?

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I'm really good at working my enemies resolve bar, yet at the same time horrible about managing my own. Sometimes it seems broken to me, but I think it still boils down to me wasting my break early then getting hit by things that can still stop you w/ a full resolve bar.


As for carrying the huttball, I gave up on that months ago. I hang out on the catwalks dealing dmg from above while healing and cleansing the carrier and providing them with jump points. Sometimes I'll carry the ball for the last few feet, like when the carrier gets knocked into the pit. Occasionailly, when it's me w/ a lot of sages, they place themselves conveniently apart, I grab the ball and take a sage driven ride across the map.

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I had the idea that the trooper resolve was designed to be less impacted by CC due to "survivability" bonuses that they thought would matter. This imbalance also affects the resolve from our CC, creating more resolve for targets.


Defect: I've seen my resolve bar hit 100% (Visually, so it may have been 95%+) and not go white.


While we're on the subject, our concussion charge causes resolve when other's KB/snare do not.


Also, I love it when they break 2 or more CC's in a row. I use CC grenades from Cybertech. I've had someone break my mez, cryogrenade. After their resolve bar cleared, my electrostun was broken as well.


Oh, and as we all know, half of that actual survivability does not exist because everyone uses Elemental or Internal damage to evade armor.

Edited by Alecz
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