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Use VIP area/npc merchant


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Currently the VIP area has to be the smallest dullest useless area in the game. That one VIP-merchants only sell that one speeder (at 1.000.000 and it used to be 1.500.000 credits) so its basicly only a area you go to once ever.


Kinda dissapointing for anyone with a VIP-ring .. i can only imagine how many players have bought the ring for ingame credits and rage-quit in dissapointment. The Deluxe/Digital upgrade users who actually spend real cash is probably less unhappy but must feel pretty cheated as well.


Suggestion: use the area or at least the mechant for something. Like this has to be the only mmorpg ever that dont have any kind of "holliday" events. It dosnt have to be much and pretty harmless as well. Like some cheap fireworks at new year .. some candy at halloween, hearts at valentine .. etc. Because as it is now it like walking into a supermarked with empty shelves (except that one single egg at the counter that no one wants at it cost 1 mill credits).



Edited by Rimr
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I agree. I bought the CE all excited about this cool VIP area, and unique items to buy... and I get up there, and geez.. two vendors... one sells a lame reskin of a speeder you can get elsewhere... and the other has a couple items, and one set of custom armor. Talk about a major letdown : /
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