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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unlock the quick slot needs to go.


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just out of curiosity, whats so wrong about keyboard turning? im assuming this is a wow term?


It is VERY slow. Mouse turning is 100x faster and better.


But I find little wrong with clicking your skills here and there. After all, there is a 1.5 second global CD, plenty of time to click away happily around your ability bars.

But you have to at least keybind (easiest to mouse buttons) a couple of mostly used/needed skills. Best done with abilities that are off of global CD, so you can use them the instant you want/need them too.

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With modifiers i can bind on my naga all the quickslots there r in this game and would bind even more if i had more bars. and i also use wsad to move sometimes... specially running a lot on keyboard but the camera turning has to be done with the mouse, in a game like this u gonna be stunned to death before u manage to turn around on a keyboard. And there is nothing wrong with the occasional click here and there, sometimes its even quicker i can prepare my cursor in advance while clicking keybinds and then quickly click... but saying clicking is just ur playtsyle and flaming at ppl telling u to learn otherwise is like flaming at ppl that would tell u to learn some chords if u wanna play piano and u would refuse it while smashing that one key at the time with one finger saying its ur style of music... sure,fine i just would want u in my band.


So ultimately if u wanna be competitive in pvp in mmos u gonna have to learn to keybind at least a bit, clicking might be ok for lvling but not for pvp, hell not even for endgame pve. If u cant then there r other games out there that dont have so many buttons to operate and u may find it suits u better. But do know if u r gonna continue to less the casually click ur way in pvp u r beeing a decrement to ur team... like someone that coud randomly join a football match but never learned how to run, so now he is walking his way across the field.


Sorry for wall of txt but cant believe ppl still click in mmos, thought they would give up by now if they cant learn, i know i would.

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