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I hate this game


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So there I was, just staying at home like I normally do when I'm not out working. I've long thought about exploring the galaxies, but to do that I needed to upgrade my ship if I wanted to have any sort of adventure. That old beast of mine was already five years old and even though she was a beauty of a machine when I first spent my credits on her, it just didn't seem likely that she'd be able to hold together out there.


Unfortunetly, as things happen, the credits just didn't get saved as much as I'd of liked them to and I just couldn't get a new machine to pilot on these adventures. The adventure I was dreaming of was now available, but it just didn't make sense to spend so many credits on it if my old beast couldn't handle it.


I admit, I was a bit sad, but that's how life goes as they say. Fast forward about 3 months give or take. Some fool administrator thought it would be a good idea to front me enough credits to try to fly a mission for seven days. I shrugged, figuring I'd at least give it a shot and if it didn't work out I'd just turn back around.


Turns out the old thing kept together just fine. In fact, she's doing great and ready for more adventures. The seven days that I was compensated for just ended this morning and I couldn't go out anymore. But this adventure isn't over yet. I may not be able to fly a new machine as of yet, but I sure do have enough credits to keep this old rust bucket up in the air. I'm just disapointed I didn't find out she'd work until this late in the game. Fly on !


(In other words, my plans for a new gaming computer fell out of the life plans so I didn't buy the game as it would of been a waste of $$$ as my system is so old. Turns out the computer handles the game just fine after I tried out the free week trial and I love it, so I bought the game and subscribed. )

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Hello and welcome to SWTOR.


You didnt say what server you were on ?


If you happen to be on Goluud Corridor feel free to send me a /whipser and I would be happy to help you out with any questions etc regarding the game.


Anyways hope you continue to have fun :)


Psiax/Ana-matronix - Republic Side

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lol i read this expecting moar of the same weekly qq topics we get regularly around here.


nice bait and switch OP. Welcome and have a grat time playing, dont listen to the trolls , they are upset this game isnt something else.


go forth and play the game as you see fit.


above all else have fun!

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