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PVP change of way


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I honestly believe they should chance the PVP way on servers.


For instance, they should of done like Galaxies did where you have the option to flag yourself anytime you want instead. You go to a station and accept whatever it is they have and you're then flagged. If you don't want to pvp, then you don't have too.


It's way, way better as you can do this anywhere and you don't have to go to the same 2 or 3 places all the time as they have it now.



Bioware should of done it like this which gives players more options then the current way.

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I honestly believe they should chance the PVP way on servers.


For instance, they should of done like Galaxies did where you have the option to flag yourself anytime you want instead. You go to a station and accept whatever it is they have and you're then flagged. If you don't want to pvp, then you don't have too.


It's way, way better as you can do this anywhere and you don't have to go to the same 2 or 3 places all the time as they have it now.



Bioware should of done it like this which gives players more options then the current way.


OK, read 3 times to make sure I understood the message. I get it, not everyone speaks or writes English as primary language, so all is forgiven.


SWG was open. There was complete mixing of factions. There were few places you could go if you were rebel and not run into an imp. That worked for that game. That game was very different from this one. Here, they decided to not make it open world. they decided to limit the open PVP places you could go to a handful of zones on certain planets.


You can flag yourself if you are on a PVE server any time you want here. If I am on Tatooine and I want to PVP, I can flag myself, then go imp hunting. It is that simple. Do we want more places we can PVP? Of course, and I believe they will come with time. Do I want every world/zone to be open PVP areas? Oh no no no no. That is not how this game was advertised. That is not the intention behind the game. I believe if they were to do this, they would lose more players than they would gain.

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