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The GTN in 1.2


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Why has someone let you get near their computer?


What? I dont understand this quote. As for the previous post saying it believes mats (that drop in raid) should stay in raid, then feel free not to sell whatever you obtain. As for me, i'll be selling whatever I dont need/use since all it does is take up inventory space. And yes, having these mats not being BOP is a good thing for the game community.

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I don't mind that the crafting materials were bop but I do mind that the recipes that use them are bop. I'm a smuggler with cybertech and I can make some pretty nice earrings with willpower and endurance that my companions nor I will ever use.
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You're a very angry little man...


He's a troll...disregard him. Best way to piss off a troll is to pretend he doesn't exist.


On the subject...It's a very good thing. It's a thing that every MMO does. Whether they do it right away or do it in a tiered fashion (as WoW currently does), all MMO's do it. SWtOR is doing what everyone else does. Hopefully they'll make it standard. It's great for the MMO community.


1) raiders make money on items that are taking up space.


2) raiders no longer are "forced" to craft to get their "uber items". they can buy off the crafter. Gives them more time to raid. selling these items for ungodly amounts of creds means they don't have to do dailies, which gives them more time to....raid. I have no clue why any sane raider WOULDN'T want to sell these things on the AH


3) Crafters benefit as they can sell completed items on the AH. they don't need to raid to get high end craft items, and raiders don't need to craft to get the same.


4) the economy has more creds floating on it at a player level. money sinks suck money out of the economy...this circulates it among players more effectively.


5)it helps balance out a crafting system that seriously needed help. up to this point crafting with those "special" items didn't even net you the best gear i the game. you still only got that from raiding. So moving these special crafting items to BoE doesn't impact that end game gear AT ALL.


6) 1.2 is allowing crafting to make the best items in the game (that will still need mods from gear that still only drops in Raids).


and last but not least...It's going to happen, no matter who whines

Edited by Elyx
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So just continue to get them through drops. Those will be there for someone who doesn't want to run the Ops and HMs. As long as they don't lower the drop rate on them I don't see the problem.


I want to I would love to, but no one on my server is pugging them. I have a level 50 sniper and wanted to do some normal lvl50 instances. Spend half an evening looking for any lvl50 instance pug. I found none.

Edited by Gformutorila
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I'm definitely against this. Raid mats should stay with the people who raid.


Oh good, then crafted products should stay with the crafters... see the idiocy in the statement?


You don't HAVE to raid, just like you don't HAVE to craft. You choose to do so or not do so. But the PVE raiders get it all, while those that choose to craft or PVP only, get the minimum.


Making those crystals BOE only HELP the raiders. More money for them.





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He's a troll...disregard him. Best way to piss off a troll is to pretend he doesn't exist.


On the subject...It's a very good thing. It's a thing that every MMO does. Whether they do it right away or do it in a tiered fashion (as WoW currently does), all MMO's do it. SWtOR is doing what everyone else does. Hopefully they'll make it standard. It's great for the MMO community.


1) raiders make money on items that are taking up space.


2) raiders no longer are "forced" to craft to get their "uber items". they can buy off the crafter. Gives them more time to raid. selling these items for ungodly amounts of creds means they don't have to do dailies, which gives them more time to....raid. I have no clue why any sane raider WOULDN'T want to sell these things on the AH


3) Crafters benefit as they can sell completed items on the AH. they don't need to raid to get high end craft items, and raiders don't need to craft to get the same.


4) the economy has more creds floating on it at a player level. money sinks suck money out of the economy...this circulates it among players more effectively.


5)it helps balance out a crafting system that seriously needed help. up to this point crafting with those "special" items didn't even net you the best gear i the game. you still only got that from raiding. So moving these special crafting items to BoE doesn't impact that end game gear AT ALL.


6) 1.2 is allowing crafting to make the best items in the game (that will still need mods from gear that still only drops in Raids).


and last but not least...It's going to happen, no matter who whines


What he said, crew skill updates are the best part of 1.2, makes the poison pill of the healing nerfs not stings as bad.

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