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Q: When is a draw not a draw ?


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A: When Yanks design a game.


Personally I can't understand the mentality of having to have a winner when the scores are tied. To me anyway, a draw should be treated as exaclty that, a draw. Apart from the personal philosophical stance, one of the issues I see in games is that it seems to take away the incentive for some people to keep bothering when they know they've lost anyway.


I'll use Voidstar by way of an example. I assume that if the two sides get to the same point on the map, but do not reach the final objective, then the side which gets to that point the quickest wins ? (Please correct me if I'm wrong here). So the first attacking side takes its whole time to get to the doors just prior to the final goal. The second team then gets to the same point with a couple of minutes to spare - game over - why bother ? And before you say "yeah I stay till the bitter end" I do note some people also just leave (roll on rated Wz's).


Opinions ? Considered ones only please - interested to know if this is somewhat cultural or I'm the only one with this point of view - this is not the only Yank game that has this approach. And no, quite obviously I'm not a yank.

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I assume that if the two sides get to the same point on the map, but do not reach the final objective, then the side which gets to that point the quickest wins ? (Please correct me if I'm wrong here).


You are wrong. Ties are based on completed objectives period and RNG is used.

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We can Tie?


this is news to me.


Voidstar- How many objectives are capped; How long it took to cap them.

Huttball- How many goals you score;If goals are a tie, who holds the ball last.

CW- I've still to witness 0-0 on this one.


We dont have tie's ingame.




I also want to say, i'm not american but i'm no racist either.


ib4 thread deleted.

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In alderaan i wonder what would happen if repub capped snow and empire capped grass at the exact same time.


and nobody capped mid.


would be cool to see


I wonder if the game would count down the millisecond on who capped first.

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devs have already confirmed that when both teams get to the same level in voidstar, the "win" is determined by a coin toss


it doesn't matter if you had the bomb on countdown, how fast you opened the previous door, how many kills, heals or damage done, etc...


if you don't pass the level, you don't pass the level

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