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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Bah, stop your moaning. Form an orderly line and queue for all you're worth! Us British folks understand a good queue. Hell, we join random ones just for fun, without even knowing what we're queuing for!


PATIENCE !! Key word that... my 2 year old understands what it means so I presume everyone else here can grasp the concept.


Release date is 20th December correct? So why are so many people crying about EGA? It's still 2 more days until Bioware promised to even begin invites. So what if you are not invited even though you pre-ordred in July & someone who ordered 2 weeks ago got in?


No matter what happens, you will get into the game before launch day (even if it's only a day early) and you'll all get your nice pre-order trinkets depending on which edition you bought. So chill out one and all!


It's nearly christmas!! Start spreading some love and cheer!! (no... not that kind of love sicko....)

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"I used to be a Jedi like you, but then i took a blaster botl to the knee."



man Skyrim is every where; and its usually a simply NPC line like this.


Looks like all the waves are done for today :( will we only get 4 waves tomorrow?

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You people are truly pathetic. You'd complain about anything. How is it that you can sit here and accuse Bioware of false advertising or misleading you, when I was given the same information as you yet still managed to understand that while early access was possible at any time starting the 13th I may still not get to play until sometime before the 20th?


Right now the only thing that makes me question whether I want to pay to play this game is the idea that I will be sharing the game, and my precious time, with you sorry, impatient, idiotic, disgusting morons... Even knowing I have to share the planet with you makes me sick. The idea that many of you people are allowed to take part in votes that affect my life is even worse. You are what holds humanity back from achieving greatness, and don't ever let anyone tell you different.



While I share some annoyance over the level of rage some of the posters have reached- I'd rather share my game with people who are so eager to play that they're acting like morons because they've let the excitement and disappointment get to them, then some judgmental frackweed like you. So please- feel free to not play and let the rest of us get in one person faster.

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"Update: Wave 5 - the final wave for today - was sent at approx 1:30PM CST."


Ok I was staying positive and think the stagger is a good idea as it will ease people into the game, personally I'd rather wait a day or 2 than jump in with a million other people and watch the servers crash over and over and then when you finally do get back on your fighting a thousand other lvl 3's for the same mobs... BUT...


1:30pm in the afternoon and their calling it a day? GOD I wish I could work 10am-1:30pm, what a great life that would be! In all seriousness I can not fathom a reason as to why they stopped doing waves? they are accomplishing what they set out to do by staggering the login process and giving people time to level and get out of the noob areas so new ones can come im, why do they have to stop?


I had assumed once the "waves" started the would finish when the last pre-orders were invited in... whats going to happen now over the next what, 20.5 hours? Nothing? Can anyone explain the thought process behind working this wave process for 3.5 hours then stopping for the rest of the day?


I know I'll prolly get flamed as just another whiner, and honestly, I'm not whining, I'm quite happy to wait my turn, it just seems like a massive gap between swells....

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If you have not recieved an invite yet today stop crying the last of the invites went out at 1:30cst no more invites will be sent out till tomorrow ..... go back to playing with yourself or someone else ...


Been playin with myself since 4am PST, the poor thing looks like shriveled up vienna sausage now.

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Just want to thank the idiots who came up with this 'wave' system - most of the guys in the guild I joined in pre-launch are already on playing, my RL friend is on - how the f**k am I ever going to catch them up and play with them? Makes me re-think taking out a subscription with this pile of poop company - remember Bioware you aint the only fish in the sea !


go fish...

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SWTOR The Old Republic

"Another batch of emails has gone out. Good news, this one was a bonus wave, we still have one more to go today!"


you guys need to learn to read their twitter feed...


Umm, maybe you should read the update at the bottom of the first post before you tell others to learn to read.

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Another batch of emails has gone out. Good news, this one was a bonus wave, we still have one more to go today!



so where is confirmation of wave 5? they didnt post anything yet on facebook our twitter hmmm


These ppl r just trying to see how many give up on the forum. They have not done 5 yet.

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Thats fantastic that these are going out in waves and all but you do realize that if you DONT get everyone that has a preorder on tomorrow you false advertised right? When I pre-ordered it said I will be allowed access to the game 5 days early. 5 days is tomorrow. since the release date is 20 Dec 2011.
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Just want to thank the idiots who came up with this 'wave' system - most of the guys in the guild I joined in pre-launch are already on playing, my RL friend is on - how the f**k am I ever going to catch them up and play with them? Makes me re-think taking out a subscription with this pile of poop company - remember Bioware you aint the only fish in the sea !


Jesus, they offer you free time in game before the retail release, and you are STILL whining? :confused:

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