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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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You are going to play this mmo potentially for a long time. Not getting in at the same time as everyone else is not a big deal considering you wont care in a weeks time when you are leveling up. They stagger the early access so that you will have a better experience when you do get in. Just relax people.


By the way, wasn't early access supposed to start 5 days before? If it has started even earlier we should be happy about all this.

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Originally Posted by civanater

Bioware - you must not see any of these threads so i'm going to talk loud for you. Try to see this please! Your player base is upset at the action you're taking with the waves. This typically means to stop doing what you're doing and reflect.


You are currently biting the hand that is feeding you as the player base is the same people that will provide you with an income and from the forums that i'm reading (and you're apparently neglecting) you are not giving a good reason to pay.


I of course plan to pay regardless, i simply will not invest in any other games you release, and i will be sure to advise against purchases from your company as you are clearly too simple minded to simply read your own forums.


The waves are a bad idea - they are causing players to have extra time that others do not, splitting guilds up and are limiting the patience of your player base which has (again, according to your own forums) drastically begin to shatter. I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue when you stop sending waves today.


If you want to be the intelligent company that alot of people think you are - this last wave should very well include the remaining pre-orders.



One frustrating aspect is I had an issue with my pre-order code. It has already been redeemed before I went to enter it. It took them more then a week to get me the new code. This is extra time that will be added to when I get into the game or what wave I might be in. It is just annoying that they decided to go about it this way.


I have played: Earth and Beyond, The Sims Online, There, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Ever Quest II, Tabula Rasa, Matrix Online, Rift, Anarchy Online, EVE, Auto Assault, Asheron's Call 2, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, City of Heroes and Villains, Guild Wars, RF Online, and Star Trek Online. Most of those I was there for beta or launch and I don't remember any of them doing something like this.

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Oh really! So if a restaurant can seat 100 people and there are 500 people waiting to get in. Everyone should be allowed to get in at the same time since you are all paying customers? Real world example of why your logic FAILS!






Actually they do have more rights than you. They got in line before you did. It is how Bioware decided how it would work. Heck this is how the world works. Get in line first you get served first period. Again your logic simply FAILS!




If they were really your friends they would wait for you to get access to level. Oh well guess you need to find real friends.




No MMO has ever launched with this number of people before. 2-3.5 million.




Humble? You seem to think the world should work your way and not the way it actually does. That is not humble. Besides it is an opinion and everyone has the right to have one and be wrong!


Hey bud, just FYI, you're logic is complete failure. Do you pre-pay to eat at a restaurant? Just wondering. Does this restaurant only hold 100k of 500k people? No.


Everything you have to say is complete failure.

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I'm not really too bothered with this,

I pre-ordered late.

I have exams till the 16th anyway.

I am travelling on the 18th.

I may be without net access 19th and 20th...



Still I think there must have been a better way to handle things. Especially with the early pre-orders who they were aware off, well since back when they pre-ordered :) From a logistics standpoint this was not well handled.

Looking on the bright side: it's always good when an MMO is crowded. Better too many and a team struggling to keep up, than too few and a team not bothering at all ;)

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More invites will be sent tomorrow.Rly is this a *********** joke to them ive never seen ******** like this on a launch day.If i hade to rate this launch it would be 2/10 i can only hope they do not fail this hard with the gameplay.Like there is no real info just waves.well how about you *********** tell us how many in numbers.Insteed of pissing off everyone.


its not launch, dummy

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ok so they even turned off their phone number. this is absolute horse crap. i wonder how many ppl have the damn invention and haven't even looked... i just paid $90 for a game that i may not even to to play this month. as soon as their number is on again im going to call over and over about this , even if its 2 months from now when the cowards give us a chance to talk to them again. i DEMAND retribution. took the day off for this ****. bioware , i hope you die in a fire.
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