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Thermal Detonators


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Should Pyro/Assault 31 be elemental damage based? It'd make it more effective against tanks, but less so in against lighter armor targets. Personally, I'd like an ability that helped me kill tanks, as most of the time in pvp a tank should be priority over the healer he's guarding.


Combining taunts and guard means that you hit that tank harder anyway, but most of the time, I end up firing off IM at the tank, a few hammershots for a CGC proc, and then cracking on the healer. If I manage not to get taunted, I do more by dealing damage to the tank through transference and keeping the healer busy healing himself up. But on some tanks, it's just a serious pain in the *** (I'm looking at you force shrouders). It'd be nice to get that elemental bypass on their armor, but would that be balancing? I'm not sure.


TD is fantastic on sage/sorcs, and properly combined with certain attacks, has a nasty habit of obliterating health bars. Still, I think I'd prefer it to have a consistent damage across all classes, rather than being a massively successful attack against one class, and diminish as your armor decreases...


but that's only my opinion

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