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Some questions about Nadia Grell (consular companion)


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Hi I have a level 39 Jedi Shadow and because I know that I should get my last companion Nadia Grell soon I wanted to ask two questions about her:


1. Can Nadia Grell tank?

2. Will I get Nadia Grell at the end of belslavis or at the beginning?

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from the Crew Skills sticky:


Nadia Grell, (female Sarkhai - Romance-able) - Belsavis ( anywhere from lvl 40-45)

Combat Style: Melee Dps

Armor: Light

Weapon type: Double blade saber

Primary Stat: Willpower

Secondary Stat: Endurance

VO'd by actress: Holly Fields

Crew Skills: +10 Synthweaving, +2 Critical Diplomacy

Gifts loved: Cultural Artifact & Courting > Republic Memorabilia

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Er... to be more specific than the previous poster...


She is melee DPS, and you actually get her during the interim of your storyline between planets. I believe it's between Voss and Belsavis, but I could be mistaken. It's been a little while since I've gotten her, so my memory is a little fuzzy. But either way, you'll get her either before Belsavis or afterward. A class quest will send you to a remote starship where you'll be forced to take Nadia with you...


And I won't say much more than that for fear of spoilers.


I hope this helps!

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