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REing Orange Gear: an idea


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So from what I've read in the 1.2 patch notes, it will be possible to RE orange or moddable purple gear items and acquire schematics for (empty) orange items with the same name and appearances. Please correct me if this is inaccurate.

For a while now I've been wondering what the probability of acquiring a schematic when REing such gear would be. I have no idea what's planned, but I have a suggestion that I think would make the game better for everyone.


Make the chance of getting a schematic from REing an orange item 100%, but make it impossible to get a schematic from a crafted orange item.


A lot of orange items are hard to find, and many only drop once from specific story quests. The reason for making reverse engineering (of crafted green and blue items) unlikely to yield a schematic is because those items are so easy to acquire; all you need is more crafting materials and a little time. If REing a rare (or even slightly uncommon) orange item isn't guaranteed to yield a schematic, nobody will ever RE them, and the only crafted oranges will be the ones that drop all the time anyway. The reason for allowing people to RE orange gear was to increase diversity in player appearance, right?


The other end of my suggestion gives crafters a reason to distribute their crafted orange gear. If, say, an armormech were to acquire a schematic for orange wristguards (which as we all know are rare as hens' teeth), he would want to sell only to people he could trust absolutely. All it would take is for one copy to find its way into the hands of a rival armormech and suddenly he would have a competitor producing the same ostensibly-rare items as him. BUT if you make it impossible to get a schematic from REing orange gear with a "made by" tag, it would be in every crafter's best interests to sell widely, as the crafted oranges would be useless to rival crafters but valuable to consumers. If the only way to get a schematic is to RE a dropped (rather than crafted) moddable item, I guarantee that there will be quite a rise in player appearance diversity, and serious crafters (like myself) will be doing quite a lot of business.


Thoughts? Suggestions? Angry rants? TL;DR? Give me feedback!

Edited by venomlash
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I agree. Many of the Taris set orange armor pieces are a one-time only thing. If we RE them, and fail, we would have no way to get those items back.


So yeah, it should be 100% success chance for those unique items. Otherwise, it's a massive risk and you can lose a good piece or armor :S

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The only things I'd really want to RE to obtain orange schematics would actually be my companions' oufits. Like Mako's, or Ensign Temple's. Make em BoE, but with level restrictions (maybe 3-5 levels above the mission level where you obtain them, maxing at 50) and still only wearable by their designated companions, but by all means, don't let those neat outfits go to waste!
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As I understand it, orange gear isn't researchable, (REable into an orange schematic) only modifyable purple gear is.


(There's a dev post somewhere that clarifies this)


There will, however, apparently be schematics for all the orange gear via UT/Treasure Hunting/Investigation. (as appropriate for the type of gear)

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