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Having trouble Defeating Emperor (Spoiler)


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So im fighting him and im having no trouble but about half way through his h.p he does some move that takes down all my h.p i know i can interrupt o, just terrible at knowing when to interrupt and what it looks like before he does his huge move that kills me. someone please help me out!! -thanks
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So im fighting him and im having no trouble but about half way through his h.p he does some move that takes down all my h.p i know i can interrupt o, just terrible at knowing when to interrupt and what it looks like before he does his huge move that kills me. someone please help me out!! -thanks




First off, are you a Guardian or a Sentinel?


As a Combat Sentinel here is what I did. Send in T7 first, let him pull the aggro. Your AoE won't make the clones vanish but T7's will. So micromanage T7 and manually pop his grenade when the clones swarm him. This will make short work of them.


Once the Emperor is hurt and after the 2nd wave he'll begin using the "death move" on you right as the third (and final) wave pops. Here is what I did:


Wait until the wave pops and then use Awe. This will mez the entire group. Kill the clones. You don't want to have them bothering you.


Focus entirely on the Emperor.


Begin burning him down.


You will know when the "one shot kill" is coming because it has a VERY long cast bar. When you see the move that is taking a while to charge up interrupt him.


You have several ways (as a Sentinel or Guardian) to lock the Emperor down.


Your awe, but that was blown already if you are paying attention to my instructions.

You have Force Stasis.

You have Force Kick.

You also have Force Leap.

You also have Force Push (if you are a Guardian).


Leap is the trickiest one to use.


The rotation of interrupts I recommend is as follows:


Start with a Force Kick, this replenishes the fastest.


Then, if he starts to cast it again quickly make some room and get outside of the minimum range you can interrupt him with Force Leap.


After this if Force Kick is back up when he tries it again us the kick again.


The next time he tries it nab him in Force Stasis and be patient, let all three seconds run out. (If you had to use Stasis because Force Kick wasn't back up yet, Force Kick will be back up by this point to use again.)


He should be dead by this time, but if he isn't and if he tries to one shot you again, you can counter it with a Force Push, if you are a Guardian, or if you are a Sentinel you can pop Guarded by the Force.


The Emperor should be dead by this point, but if he isn't, keep the pressure on him. Try to fall back into the rotation, you may have another Force Kick or Force Leap use if things get desperate but seriously the Emperor should go down by this point with ease.




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