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i've sifted though the pts forum a bit and to my knowledge there are no explanations of the logic behind the coming nerfs to healing and power shot.


i only mention these two specific changes because they seem to be either excessive and/or baffling. i understand the tracer (i thought they would nerf this more) and ppa nerfs (thought this was excessive though needs some toning down). these seem obvious so explanation is not required.


has anyone heard anything about their line of thinking with these changes? some explanation would be nice so we can perhaps understand resulting in some kind of closure on the matter.


i just want to know why, no crying, just please explain these changes.


thank you.

Edited by jorgehyde
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Healing was nerfed for two reason. It puts more strategy into PvP and making it less of an endurance race. For PvE it stops good healing from masking over poor raiding. Basically instead of just healing up most of the mistakes someone makes, it will be more punishing to the raid in general.


My guess for power shot it the fact that in PvP matches as a healer I was able to pop Supercharged gas along with an alacrity relic and just spam power shot non stop until my target was dead. It was kinda ridiculous how much burst I could create with that.


These are just my thoughts on the matter and should in no way be taken as fact for why the changes have occurred.

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The changes to BioChem are just uncomfortable, I saw the skill as something cool like ahhh make my own Medpacks, but shoot ill just by them now. Probably going to switch to something else that will be profitable in 1.2.
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