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Q: All charaters suck with same surname?


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With this Legacy System coming, do all the caracters on the same account, no matter empire or republic, do they all have to have the same name?


Random namn:


Krash Poisonblade

Cindy Poisonblase

Buttercup Poisonblade

Lilly Piosionblade


I hope I am wrong, but I take alot stock in names: I started over at 12, 22, and few 5's because their name didn't sould right.


Not saying I'd leave tomorrow; but as they continue to annoy me, more and more..... time for Modern Warfar Warfare Three.


I don't wasn't to to bold, but I love this gave, playested, and have been a member since August 1999


If you had time to read this,


Thanks so much,


Richard from Alabama

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