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Server advertising. Re-roll where?


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torstatus.net will give you a pretty good idea of server pop. They even break it down by daily/weekly/monthly population stats.


The thing is, http://www.torstatus.net/ just gives you queue times, not an idea of population.


The *number* doesn't have anything to do with population. The number just represents server status where 1 = light, 2 = standard. The website automagically checks all servers once an hour and records the data. (See below for more details.)


So if Server A has a population cap of 1,000 people, when it has 700 people on it it might be rated 3 (heavy) and feel dead.


If Server B has a population cap of 7,000 people, when it has 2,000 people on it it might be rated 1 (light) and be jumping.


So while the numbers are interesting, they're not actually equivalent to the number of bodies.




"The chart list on the homepage shows average population index for the last seven days. This population index is calculated from the official server statuses during a day... where 1 is light, 2 is standard and so on. It's updated once every hour. "




Your best option is to make a lvl 1 character on each side (Rep and Imp) and to survey the population at peak times using /who.


Details and a place to put your data here:






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